Indiana – 3rd March, 2018 – There is this sense of satisfaction and unexplainable joy that comes with reading a good and entertaining story. The best of all is reading two superb books filled with excitement for readers. Mary Nyambura Muchiri’s two books titled “You Have Been Chosen” and “His Banner over Me is Love” are very exhilarating.
1st book: You Have Been Chosen
Subtitle: The Identity of an Adopted Child
Book Description: Adoption affects the birth parents, the adoptive parents, and the adopted children in many different ways, some positive and some negative. Each party within this triad has many unanswered questions, but discussing them helps to lighten the burdens for everyone.
The Author and her adopted son share their journey and try to answer their individual questions. They hope to inspire all who are asking similar questions, by comparing human adoption with the much greater and more lasting adoption into the eternal family of God.
2nd book: His Banner over Me is Love
Subtitle: The Dreams of an African Woman.
Book Description: It is a brief autobiography, not in any way trying to summarize the author’s life, but rather to highlight points of God’s intervention. Coming from a poor rural family in Kenya, Africa, she had no reason to expect much from life. However, her father believed in her at a time when women were just expected to serve men within the home, so he decided to send her to school.
Having been taught about God at home, she wanted to know more about Him when she went to school. In 1957, she had a personal encounter with Him, and her life was never the same. She came to identify herself with the Apostle Paul when he says: “For what I received I passed on to you as of first importance, that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures, that he was buried, that he was raised on the third day according to the Scriptures, and that he appeared to… all the apostles, and last of all he appeared to me also as to one abnormally born. For I am the least… but by the grace of God, I am what I am, and his grace to me was not without effect.” (1Corinthians 15:3-10).
The book is the author’s attempt to pass on to the younger generation what she has received from the Lord. She says, “I have experienced many miracles that culminated in my coming to America, where God has continued to surprise me. I want my readers to know that though they may be the least in eyes of the world, once they put their faith in the God of the Bible, His grace will be sufficient in all of life’s circumstances. He is no respecter of persons. He blesses men, women, and children, black, white, slave and free!”
The book contains many stories of average length and three or four that are quite lengthy. This book is filled with a lot of imaginative illustrations written in well-structured and simple English. It is guaranteed to wow its readers and keep them on the edge of their seats as they pace through from page to page.
This amazing book is available for purchase from
About the author
Mary Nyambura Muchiri is originally from Kenya, but now a retired English professor and US citizen. She is interested in writing Literature, spiritual development, minority and women’s issues.
Media Contacts
AUTHOR: Mary Nyambura Muchiri
Company Name: Toplink Publishing
Address: Kelly, NC
Country: USA
Phone: 888-375-9818
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Media Contact
Company Name: Toplink Publishing
Contact Person: Mary Nyambura Muchiri
Phone: 888-375-9818
City: Kelly
State: NC
Country: United States