Experience the enchanting tale of ‘A Cat Ghost Bh G’ in ‘From Beaton’s to Beach Haven,’ authored by William W. Fortenbaugh and presented by Author’s Tranquility Press.

Experience the enchanting tale of 'A Cat Ghost Bh G' in 'From Beaton’s to Beach Haven,' authored by William W. Fortenbaugh and presented by Author’s Tranquility Press.
Navigating the Waters of Tradition, Craftsmanship, and Racing Excellence

Embark on a captivating journey through the waves of history and craftsmanship with William W. Fortenbaugh’s latest work, “From Beaton’s to Beach Haven: A Cat Ghost Bh G.” This enthralling tale centers around Ghost, a twenty-eight-foot wooden Catboat, and her profound impact on the unique racing class that originated in Barnegat Bay, New Jersey.

A Catboat’s Tale:

Ghost, a wooden Catboat, emerges as the central character in this narrative that spans decades. Originating in 1922 and officially recognized as a racing class by 1924 under the name A Cat, the class faced challenges during the Great Depression but experienced a renaissance in 1980. Witness the revival through Ghost’s remarkable story.

Craftsmanship and Excellence:

David Beaton and Sons played a pivotal role in the Catboat’s resurgence, crafting Wasp, a new A Cat, in 1980 based on plans from 1923. Ghost, Beaton’s second A Cat, became a symbol of excellence, winning seven consecutive Bay championships from 1994 to 2000. The book delves into the meticulous craftsmanship that went into Ghost’s construction, making her a paradigm of wooden boat excellence.

A Pictorial Chronicle:

The building process of Ghost, captured in detailed photographs, comes to life in this book. Readers are taken on a visual journey, from pattern making and woodshop preparation to the celebratory launch at Beaton’s rigging dock. The pairing of photos with explanations creates an immersive experience, offering insights into the intricate art of boat construction.

Triumphs, Challenges, and Continuous Competition:

Ghost’s journey unfolds on the racecourse, marked by initial challenges, remarkable recovery, and an impressive twenty-two years of continuous competition. Learn what made Ghost a formidable force on the racecourse and gain valuable insights into the elements that contributed to her success.

Preserving Legacy at the New Jersey Maritime Museum:

The book concludes with Ghost finding a new home at the New Jersey Maritime Museum. Explore the significance of preserving Ghost’s legacy and the impact she continues to make in the maritime community.

Exploring the Book:

Immerse yourself in the world of “From Beaton’s to Beach Haven: A Cat Ghost Bh G” by William W. Fortenbaugh, available on Amazon. This chronicle is not just a story of a boat but a celebration of tradition, craftsmanship, and the enduring spirit of racing excellence.

Join the voyage with ‘From Beaton’s to Beach Haven’ by William W. Fortenbaugh, a tale that transcends time and waves, showcasing the indomitable spirit of a wooden Catboat and the craftsmanship that defines her legacy.

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