Fatal Encounter: Emergence of Talents is a yet another exciting film by a seasoned American independent filmmaker from Nevada, Patreck Farley. The feature-length independent action/drama film is a classic good vs. evil story and it is a sequel to the cult indie favorite, Fatal Encounter: Rise and Fight. To introduce this project to the world, Farley Productions LLC has recently launched a crowdfunding campaign on Indiegogo, and it is welcoming generous community support and backing.
“We want to create this film because we want to change how independent films are made and this film is the long awaited sequel in a trilogy of films many have been waiting for.” Said Patreck Farley of the Farley Productions LLC., while introducing this project to the Indiegogo community. “Our minimum goal of $20,000 gets the film completed and every dollar raised in this campaign directly goes towards finishing the production of the film.” He added.
The Indiegogo Campaign is located on the web at:
www.FatalEncounterMovies.com and backers from around the world can become a part of this project by making generous pledges and donations. The filmmaker is offering a wide range of rewards for the backers supporting this campaign and all these rewards are being offered with worldwide shipping. Furthermore, more details are available on the Indiegogo campaign page of the project.
About This Project
Fatal Encounter: Emergence of Talents is the third film in the Fatal Encounter trilogy created by the Nevada based independent American filmmaker Patreck Farley of the Farley Productions LLC. Made with an aim of redefining the way independent films are produced, this film is currently being crowdfunded on Indiegogo and the production company is welcoming generous community support and backing by the crowdfunding community.
Media Contact
Company Name: Farley Productions LLC.
Contact Person: Patreck Farley
Email: Send Email
Phone: (775)527-2564
City: Reno
State: Nevada
Country: United States
Website: www.FatalEncounterMovies.com