Food Engineering Features Egan Food Technologies and COUNTERPART ETO ERP

Food Engineering Features Egan Food Technologies and COUNTERPART ETO ERP

COUNTERPART ETO ERP partnership with Egan Food Technologies was recently featured in Food Engineering magazine. Egan looked for an ERP system that could connect with its CAD system to handle ETO requests from its food customers and chose COUNTERPART ERP, giving Egan’s entire team real-time access to whatever data it needed to handle food companies and requests for new parts to accommodate a new product. Read the full article here.

“Everybody can see everything digitally without having to print anything. COUNTERPART’s ability to directly integrate with PDM and automatically send the correct CAD files to vendors saves countless hours and eliminates mistakes,” shared Joe Cisler, design engineer at Egan.

Andrew Schutte, general manager at COUNTERPART ETO ERP, discussed how SOLIDWORKS integration is essential for custom food industry equipment. “The main feature Cisler was seeking was a direct correlation to SOLIDWORKS,” noted Schutte.  

Egan Food Technologies, based in Grand Rapids, MI, supplies customized food process machinery for the confectionery, baking, and snack food industries. The company also rebuilds, services, and supplies parts and auxiliary equipment for chocolate molding, depositing, extruding, slab forming, and baking equipment.

Food Engineering is the industry’s oldest and most preferred publication serving the $630 billion food and beverage manufacturing market meeting the needs of executives in production, engineering, operations, and packaging in North America’s largest food and beverage manufacturing companies.


Unlike many ETO ERP solutions COUNTERPART is an engineering-centric solution.  Most ERP systems are back-office accounting solutions and distracted by CRM and other operational functions. COUNTERPART ensures there are no features which detract from focusing on the BOM (Bill of Materials) to address the fast-changing engineering challenges of ETO manufacturers.

COUNTERPART enables manufacturing teams to access the information needed to do the job. By offering a bi-directional software solution integrated with SOLIDWORKS® to share real-time information with those who need it, engineers and purchasing have a non-stop and instantaneous job progress status report. These COUNTERPART elements allow ETO manufacturers to leverage the information to improve engineering efficiency.

Schutte also noted that the project management capability with COUNTERPART enhances teams’ efficiency by configuring the software solution to meet the work environment and specific engineering needs. Every job is assigned to the right team member prioritized by release date, lead times, due dates, and more. Every engineering-focused manufacturer will appreciate the critical functionality focus.

Call 616-738-8922 to schedule a demo. Follow COUNTERPART on Twitter at @COUNTERPARTERP.

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