ABOVE: Behind the scene still of Greg Kritkos (Charlie Boy) and Academy Award Nominee Burt Young (Luca) in a scene from CHARLIE BOY.
Legendary colorist Marc Wielage who has brought his artistic touch to dozens of hit movies and shows including the George Lucas directed STAR WARS series, Will Ferrell’s comedy BLADES OF GLORY, Tim Allen’s WILD HOGS, Kevin Costner’s OPEN RANGE, LOST, BIG BANG THEORY, Damon Wayans’ MY WIFE AND KIDS, HIGHLANDER and the Oscar nominated THE KIDS ARE ALL RIGHT starring Annette Bening, Oscar winner Julianne Moore and Mark Ruffalo, has brought his artistic talents to director Timothy Hines’ new comedy movie CHARLIE BOY.
“Mark Wielage is the brillant colorist behind my childhood beloved series XENA: WARRIOR PRINCESS. That alone sold me on Mark’s work,” says smiling CHARLIE BOY producer Susan Goforth. “Mark is simply as good as it gets in this business and all of us at School of Old Media Entertainment are extremely pleased with his work.”
ABOVE: Director Timothy Hines and digital colorist Marc Wielage in the studio working on the comedy movie CHARLIE BOY.
CHARLIE BOY colorist Marc Wielage clients include Warner Bros., Disney, Universal Studios, Miramax, 20th Century-Fox, Dreamworks, and Sony Pictures. He has also worked on 44 network TV series for Warner Bros. TV, Fox Television, Disney/ABC TV, Sony Pictures TV, and Paramount TV and Amazon TV.
BELOW: Supermodel movie star Kelly Le Brock plays Charlie’s ex-wife Donna in the upcoming comedy CHARLIE BOY:
Among many great treats in CHARLIE BOY is the new song “Tomorrow’s Today” written specifically for the film with Lyrics and Music by Susan Goforth and Sandy Chila. “Tomorrow’s Today” is Charlie Boy’s theme song reflecting the film’s creed that it’s possible for anyone to live in the present and become a good guy.
BELOW: Greg Kritikos (Charlie Borakos), Dave Morrissey Jr. (Shakes) and Annunziato Carbone (Tommy G) planning a hustle in the upcoming feature comedy CHARLIE BOY:
CHARLIE BOY tells the story of Charlie Borakos, a former gangster who split from the mob when his negligence led to his son being killed. Through his grief, he embarks on a journey to right all his wrongs in a bid for redemption. When Charlie reaches out to help his friend Tommy G, who’s life is threatened from gambling debts, Charlie is pulled back into a confrontation with the mob, the results of which cause others in the mob to follow Charlie’s lead and change his entire community of Astoria, New York forever.
#CharlieBoyMovie #MarkWielage #TimothyHines #KellyLeBrock #BurtYoung #DominickMartini #GregKritikos #SusanGoforth #SandyChila #TomorrowToday #AnnunziatoCarbone #JoanneScorcia #SchoolOfOldMedia #PendragonPictures #Comedy #TopUpcomingComedyMovies #BestUpcomingComedyMovies #MostAnticipatedUpcomingMovies #ExcitingNewMoviesUpcoming #Yogi Berra #Babe Ruth #NewYorkYankees #FranklinSquare #HFrankCareyHighSchool #StCatherineofSiena #BabeRuth #YogiBerra #SelenaWilliams #LeBronJames #MichaelPhelps #NYYankees #OaklandRaiders #NYRangers #Class #NaturalTalent #JoanneScorcia #DaveMorrisseyJr #GiovanniCelentano #DomenicoDelGiacco #FrederickStroppel #ILoveAstoria #AstoriaNY #AstoriaQueens #CHARLIEBOY #SomeBadGuysBecomeGoodGuys
Media Contact
Company Name: School Of Old Media Entertainment
Contact Person: Susan Goforth
Email: Send Email
Phone: 310-480-0837
Country: United States
Website: www.charlieboymovie.com