Gay Stuffis an exciting upcoming comedy web series that playfully pushes gay visibility in the comedy world. With an aim to bring quality LGBT humor for the fans and to promote gay visibility, the creators of this remarkable web series from New York are seeking generous community support on the crowdfunding platform of Indiegogo. The series is co-produced by the International Human Rights Art Festival (IHRAF), which is partnering with its creator Jamie Benson in its production.
The aim of this new web series is to confront homophobia through humor and to increase gay visibility worldwide. In addition, this campaign on Indiegogo is aimed at raising funds for two initial videos titled ‘Gay-Splainer and Avenue WTF. Moreover, the aim of this crowdfunding campaign is to raise a sum of $5000 and the creators of this web series are welcoming comedy fans from around the world and especially the members of LGBTQ community to generously contribute in the fundraising.
The creator of this project is Jamie Benson, who is a renowned performer, choreographer and Cornish College of Art alumni. Jamie is offering several great rewards for the backers on Indiegogo and all funds raised through this campaign will play a major role in the production and promotion of this upcoming web series, which is based on a successful live show.
The Indiegogo Campaign is located on the web at: and backers from around the world can support this project by making generous pledges and donations. Pledges can range from $12 to $500 or more and each pledge offers a great reward. Moreover, the perks also include opportunities for those hoping to break into comedy, as they can now get a chance to be featured in the videos, receive writing credit, producer title, etc. Furthermore, the campaign is already creating a major buzz on social media and more details are available on the Indiegogo campaign page of the project.
About This Project
Gay Stuff is a new web series that is full of gay humor and LGBT comedy. The series is created by Jamie Benson, a renowned American choreographer turned producer. Jamie is currently raising funds and support for this series via Indiegogo and he is welcoming everyone to participate in the crowdfunding campaign.
Media Contact
Contact Person: Jamie Benson
Email: Send Email
Phone: 3237045287
City: New York
State: New York
Country: United States