IMARC’s new report entitled “Global Sorbitol Market Report & Forecast: 2016 – 2020” provides an analytical and statistical insight into the global sorbitol market. The study, that has been undertaken using desk-based as well as qualitative primary research, provides a comprehensive analysis of the global sorbitol market.
What we have achieved in this report:
Comprehensive situation analysis of the global sorbitol market and its dynamics
Focus of the analysis:
- Historical, current and future trends in production capacity
- Historical, current and future trends in production
- Historical, current and future trends in demand
- Historical, current and future trends in prices
- Demand by application sector
- Production capacity by region
- Production by region
- Consumption by region
- Production by type of feedstock (corn, wheat, cassava, etc.)
- Key players and their production capacities
- Sorbitol substitutes
Evaluation of major regions
Regions covered: China, United States, Western Europe, Indonesia and India
Focus of the analysis for each region:
- Historical, current and future trends in production capacity
- Historical, current and future trends in production
- Historical, current and future trends in demand
- Historical, current and future trends in prices
- Demand by application sector
- Production capacity by region
Evaluation of various sorbitol feedstocks and manufacturing process
Focus of the analysis:
- Characteristics of various feedstocks used in sorbitol production
- Yield of sorbitol and by-products from various feedstocks
- Supply and demand of various feedstocks
- Manufacturing process of sorbitol
- Interchanging feedstocks
Evaluation of major sorbitol manufacturers
Manufacturers covered: Roquette Frères, Cargill, Ingredion, Archer Daniels Midland, Shandong Tianli, PT Sorini
Focus of the analysis:
- Company description
- Sorbitol production capacity
- Sorbitol production
- Feedstocks used for sorbitol production
- Plant locations
Information Sources:
Information has been sourced from both primary and secondary sources:
- Primary sources include industry surveys and face to face/telephone interviews with manufacturers, end-users and industry experts.
- Secondary sources include proprietary databases and search engines. These sources include company websites, reports, books, trade journals, magazines, white papers, industry portals, government sources and access to more than 4000 paid databases.
Table of Contents:
1. Research Methodology and Market Definitions
2. Executive Summary
3. The Global Sorbitol Industry: Market Landscape
3.1 Historical Market Trends
3.1.1 Production Capacity
3.1.2 Consumption
3.1.3 Prices
3.2 Market by Application Sector
3.3 Market by Region
3.3.1 Production Capacity
3.3.2 Production
3.3.3 Consumption
3.4 Market by Feedstock
3.5 Competitive Landscape
3.6 Sorbitol Substitutes
3.7 Market Forecast
3.7.1 Production Capacity
3.7.2 Consumption
3.7.3 Prices
4. The Global Sorbitol Industry: Regional Analysis
4.1 China
4.1.1 Sorbitol Production Capacity and Production
4.1.2 Sorbitol Consumption
4.1.3 Sorbitol Production Statistics from Various Feedstocks
4.1.4 Historical and Future Price Trends of Various Feedstocks
4.1.5 Historical and Future Cost of Manufacturing Sorbitol from Various Feedstocks
4.1.6 Competitive Landscape
4.2 United States
4.2.1 Sorbitol Production Capacity and Production
4.2.2 Sorbitol Consumption
4.2.3 Sorbitol Production Statistics from Various Feedstocks
4.2.4 Historical and Future Price Trends of Various Feedstocks
4.2.5 Historical and Future Cost of Manufacturing Sorbitol from Various Feedstocks
4.2.6 Competitive Landscape
4.3 Europe
4.3.1 Sorbitol Production Capacity and Production
4.3.2 Sorbitol Consumption
4.3.3 Sorbitol Production Statistics from Various Feedstocks
4.3.4 Historical and Future Price Trends of Various Feedstocks
4.3.5 Historical and Future Cost of Manufacturing Sorbitol from Various Feedstocks
4.3.6 Competitive Landscape
4.4 Indonesia
4.4.1 Sorbitol Production Capacity and Production
4.4.2 Sorbitol Consumption
4.4.3 Sorbitol Production Statistics from Various Feedstocks
4.4.4 Historical and Future Price Trends of Various Feedstocks
4.4.5 Historical and Future Cost of Manufacturing Sorbitol from Various Feedstocks
4.4.6 Competitive Landscape
4.5 India
4.5.1 Sorbitol Production Capacity and Production
4.5.2 Sorbitol Consumption
4.5.3 Sorbitol Production Statistics from Various Feedstocks
4.5.4 Historical and Future Price Trends of Various Feedstocks
4.5.5 Historical and Future Cost of Manufacturing Sorbitol from Various Feedstocks
4.5.6 Competitive Landscape
5. Sorbitol Manufacturing and Feedstock Analysis
5.1 Characteristics of Various Feedstocks Used in Sorbitol Production
5.2 Supply and Demand of Various Feedstocks
5.3 Manufacturing Process
5.3.1 Production of Starch Slurry Using Corn
5.3.2 Production of Starch Slurry Using Cassava
5.3.3 Production of Starch Slurry Using Wheat
5.3.4 Production of Glucose Syrup
5.3.5 Conversion of Glucose Syrup to Sorbitol
5.4 Interchanging Sorbitol Feedstocks
6. Competitive Landscape
6.1 Roquette Frères SA
6.2 Cargill, Incorporated
6.3 Ingredion, Incorporated
6.4 Archer Daniels Midland Company
6.5 Shandong Tianli Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd
6.6 Nikken Fine Chemicals Co., Ltd
6.7 PT Sorini Agro Asia Corporindo Tbk
List of Figures
Figure 1: Global: Sorbitol Production Capacity (in 000 Mt), 2008-2015
Figure 2: Global: Sorbitol Prices (in US$/Mt), 2008 -2015
Figure 3: Global: Sorbitol Volume Demand (in 000 Mt), 2008-2015
Figure 4: Global: Sorbitol Value Demand (in Million US$), 2008-2015
Figure 5: Global: Sorbitol Volume Demand by Consuming Sectors (in %), 2015
Figure 6: Global: Sorbitol Production Capacity by Key Producer Countries (in %), 2008, 2015 & 2020
Figure 7: Global: Sorbitol Production by Key Producer Countries (in %), 2008, 2015 & 2020
Figure 8: Global: Sorbitol Volume Demand by Region (in %), 2008, 2015 & 2020
Figure 9: Global: Sorbitol Production by Feedstock (in %), 2015
Figure 10: Global: Sorbitol Production Capacity Breakup by Manufacturers (in %)
Figure 11: Global: Sorbitol Production Capacity Forecast (in 000 Mt), 2016-2020
Figure 12: Global: Sorbitol Volume Demand Forecast (in 000 Mt), 2016-20210
Figure 13: Global: Sorbitol Price Forecast (in US$/Metric Ton), 2016-2020
Figure 14: Global: Sorbitol Value Demand Forecast (in Million US$), 2016-2020
Figure 15: China: Sorbitol Production Capacity (in 000 Mt), 2008, 2015 & 2020
Figure 16: China: Sorbitol Production (in 000 Mt), 2008, 2015 & 2020
Figure 17: China: Sorbitol Demand (in 000 Mt), 2008, 2015 & 2020
Figure 18: China: Sorbitol Production by Feedstock (in %), 2015
Figure 19: China: Corn Prices (in US$ /Mt), 2010 -2015
Figure 20: China Wheat Prices (in US$ /MT), 2010 -2015
Figure 21: China: Cassava Prices (in US$ /Mt), 2010 -2015
Figure 22: China: Corn, Wheat & Cassava Prices (in US$ Per Mt), 2010 -2015
Figure 23: China: Sorbitol Production Costs From Various Feedstocks (in US$ Per Mt)
Figure 24: China Sorbitol Production Capacity Breakup by Manufacturers (in %)
Figure 25: United States: Sorbitol Production Capacity (in 000 Mt), 2008, 2015 & 2020
Figure 26: United States: Sorbitol Production (in 000 Mt), 2008, 2015 & 2020
Figure 27: United States: Sorbitol Demand (in 000 Mt), 2008, 2015 & 2020
Figure 28: United States: Wheat Prices (in US$ /Mt), 2010 – 2015
Figure 29: United States: Corn Prices (in US$ /Mt), 2010 – 2015
Figure 30: United States: Corn & Wheat Prices (in US$ Per Mt), 2010 – 2015
Figure 31: United States: Sorbitol Production Costs (in US$ Per Mt)
Figure 32: United States Sorbitol Production Capacity by Manufacturers (in %)
Figure 33: Western Europe: Sorbitol Production Capacity (in 000 Mt), 2008, 2015 & 2020
Figure 34: Western Europe: Sorbitol Production (in 000 Mt), 2008, 2015 & 2020
Figure 35: Western Europe: Sorbitol Demand (in 000 Mt), 2008, 2015 & 2020
Figure 36: Western Europe: Sorbitol Production by Feedstock (in %), 2015
Figure 37: France: Wheat Prices (in US$ /Mt), 2010-2015
Figure 38: France: Corn Prices (in US$ /Mt), 2010-2015
Figure 39: France: Corn & Wheat Prices (in US$ Per Mt) 2010-2015
Figure 40: France: Sorbitol Production Costs From Corn & Wheat (in US$ Per Mt)
Figure 41: Western Europe: Sorbitol Production Capacity by Key Producers (in %)
Figure 42: Indonesia: Sorbitol Production Capacity (in 000 Mt), 2008, 2015 & 2020
Figure 43: Indonesia: Sorbitol Production (in 000 Mt), 2008, 2015 & 2020
Figure 44: Indonesia: Sorbitol Demand (in 000 Mt), 2008, 2015 & 2020
Figure 45: Indonesia: Sorbitol Production by Feedstock (in %), 2015
Figure 46: Indonesia: Cassava Prices (in US$ /Mt), 2010-2015
Figure 47: Indonesia: Corn Prices (in US$ /Mt), 2010-2015
Figure 48: Indonesia: Corn & Cassava Prices (in US$ Per Mt), 2010-2015
Figure 49: Indonesia: Sorbitol Production Costs From Corn & Cassava (in US$ Per Mt)
Figure 50: Indonesia: Sorbitol Production by Key Producers (in %), 2015
Figure 51: India: Sorbitol Production Capacity (in 000 Mt), 2008, 2015 & 2020
Figure 52: India: Sorbitol Production (in 000 Mt), 2008, 2015 & 2020
Figure 53: India: Sorbitol Demand (in 000 Mt), 2008, 2015 & 2020
Figure 54: India: Cassava Prices (in US$ /Mt), 2010-2015
Figure 55: India: Wheat Prices (in US$ /Mt), 2010-2015
Figure 56: India: Corn Prices (in US$ /Mt), 2010-2015
Figure 57: India: Corn, Wheat & Cassava Prices (in US$ Per Mt), 2010-2015
Figure 58: India: Sorbitol Production Costs From Corn, Wheat & Cassava (in US$ Per Mt)
Figure 59: India: Sorbitol Production by Key Producers (in %)
Figure 60: Sorbitol and By-Product Conversion Rates from Corn, Wheat and Cassava
Figure 61: Global: Corn Supply & Demand (in Million Mt), 2008 -2015
Figure 62: Global: Corn Production by Country (in %), 2015
Figure 63: Global: Wheat Supply & Demand (in Million Mt), 2008 – 2015
Figure 64: Global: Wheat Production by Country (in %), 2015
Figure 65: Global: Cassava Production (in Million Mt), 2008 -2015
Figure 66: Global: Cassava Production by Country (in %), 2015
Figure 67: Sorbitol Manufacturing Process
Figure 68: Production of Starch Slurry Using Corn
Figure 69: Production of Starch Slurry Using Wheat
Figure 70: Production of Starch Slurry Using Cassava
Figure 71: Production of Glucose Syrup from Starch Slurry
Figure 72: Conversion of Glucose Syrup to Sorbitol
Figure 73: Interchanging Sorbitol Feedstocks
Figure 74: Roquette Frères SA: Production Breakup by Product
Figure 75: Shandong Tianli Pharmaceutical Co Limited: Capacity Breakup by Product
Figure 76: PT Sorini Agro Asia Corporindo Tbk: Production Capacity of Various Products (in Mt),
Figure 77: PT Sorini Agro Asia Corporindo Tbk: Production Capacity of Various Products (in %),
List of Tables
Table 1: Global: Sorbitol Production Capacity by Key Producer Countries (in 000 Mt), 2008, 2015 & 2020
Table 2: Global: Sorbitol Production by Key Producer Countries (in 000 Mt), 2008, 2015 & 2020
Table 3: Global: Sorbitol Volume Demand by Region (in 000 Mt), 2008, 2015 & 2020
Table 4: Global: Sorbitol Feedstock Statistics (in Mt), 2015
Table 5: Global: Sorbitol Production Capacity Breakup by Manufacturers (in Mt)
Table 6: Characteristics of Various Polyols
Table 7: China: Sorbitol Feedstock Statistics (in Mt)
Table 8: China: Sorbitol Production Capacity Breakup by Manufacturers (in Mt)
Table 9: United States: Sorbitol Feedstock Statistics (in Mt)
Table 10: United States: Sorbitol Production Capacity by Manufacturers (in Mt)
Table 11: Western Europe: Sorbitol Feedstock Statistics (in Mt)
Table 12: Western Europe: Sorbitol Production Capacity Statistics by Key Producers (in Mt)
Table 13: Indonesia: Sorbitol Feedstock Statistics (in Mt)
Table 14: Indonesia: Sorbitol Production Statistics by Key Producers (in Mt)
Table 15: India: Sorbitol Feedstock Statistics (in Mt)
Table 16: India: Sorbitol Production Statistics by Key Producers (in Mt)
Table 17: *Price of Various Sorbitol By-products
Table 18: Roquette Frères SA: Sorbitol Production Capacity, Production, Capacity Utilization, Feedstocks & Plant Locations
Table 19: Roquette Frères SA: Product Overview
Table 20: Cargill, Incorporated: Sorbitol Production Capacity, Production, Capacity Utilization, Feedstocks & Plant Locations
Table 21: Ingredion Incorporated: Sorbitol Production Capacity, Production, Capacity Utilization, Feedstocks & Plant Locations
Table 22: Archer Daniels Midland Company: Sorbitol Production Capacity, Production, Capacity Utilization, Feedstocks & Plant Locations
Table 23: Shandong Tianli Pharmaceutical Co Limited: Sorbitol Production Capacity, Production, Capacity Utilization, Feedstocks & Plant Locations
Table 24: PT Sorini Agro Asia Corporindo Tbk: Sorbitol Production Capacity, Production, Capacity Utilization, Feedstocks & Plant Locations
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To know more please visit: http://www.imarcgroup.com/global-sorbitol-glucitol-market
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