People usually view success as an end goal defined by a certain future specific event that they have to chase, grab and declare victory. While it is true that looking at it from the outside, success could look shiny and indeed could manifest most on a specific occasion; but having a closer look at what real success is on the internal level could suggest otherwise. The problem in the way of looking at it from a subjective view is that one can believe it is a consequence of pure causality.
Success in itself is not a definite goal, it is rather an accumulation process of little actions, positive and negative outcomes, adjustments, corrections added on top of each other to reach a final accrued positive outcome. There is no specific secret to succeed in life, but there is rather a system to win. To succeed one must implement a whole structure of small daily tasks that add up to unveil over a while positive results in his life. It needs constant daily fine-tuning, learning from small failures, doing the most each day with what one has no matter how small or little it is. What makes one’s accomplishments visible to others, is the amount of positive accumulation of all these small tasks.
Life as a whole is based on micro-accumulation. Whatever one accumulates on an hourly, daily, weekly basis, will add-up, grow, prosper inside and become habits, whether positive or negative and determine his life. Failure and Success are the final sum-ups of such accumulations. One of the most interesting facts of life is that it allows one to grow or regress based on what he chooses to let in and what he decides to apply as a way of living or dwell on. All that we let in, multiply, and grows, and reflect at one point on the outside.
Success in that context is a direct reflection of correcting wrong actions, applying the right attitude, having a correct mindset, and repeating the right doings over and over through the implementation of filtering and refining actions over a long period. To become successful, one must work on turning negatives into positive outcomes and needs a lot of resilience awareness, and devotion.
Thus, the process needs a specific mentality and a unique approach. An “I challenge myself” mentality and a commitment to turn small or even big failures, defeats, and setbacks into positive outcomes that contribute to one’s character, must be implemented. People cannot just live the life that was given to them and be happy with where they are and expect better bigger marks in their lives. One should find himself doing things he has never done, educating himself on how to correctly do them, and repeat this process over and over.
Accumulation needs build-up and to build something big a lot of devotion and time is needed. Most of us look for fast victories, however, fast success is nothing but luck and is temporary as it lacks accumulation. Since it lacks accumulation, it is doomed to vanish fast. One cannot just have a new-born baby and expect him to turn 18 in 2 years. Everything in life has its necessary accumulation period and so do goals. Achieving goals vary from one goal to another and need different accumulation levels to materialize properly and become visible to us and others. To be successful one must have applied many correct successful little tasks one on top of each other over a definite or indefinite period. The bigger is what we are looking for the more accretion through actions it requires.
For bigger visions, this building-up process is continuous and could never be stopped. To achieve success on a smaller level like getting a driver’s license, for instance, one needs long driving hours and a lot of trial and error and just maintenance work afterward. However, this accumulation process needs to be multiplied by thousands if we want to achieve success in building a successful company and full devotion to the process rather than just maintenance work afterward.
To achieve success and maintain it, one must work on the process itself. Accumulation is not chaotic and should be filtered properly. Accumulation of positive efforts is not effective by itself as what is also needed to boost the effect is to remove the unconscious negative givens which have been accumulated earlier over a considerable period. Adding positive input arising from actions and experiences cannot be effective unless one dissolves the negative build-ups already in. One can have incorporated a thousand things right to succeed, but one wrong uncalculated unthoughtful action can destroy them all.
So, working on the internal base and purifying it as much as possible, and building on that to raise a strong building is a must. Strong structures cannot be built on weak shaky foundations and be expected to hold, no matter how much one accords importance to making the columns and erections above the ground, perfect. The major enemies of success are inflated egos, unforgiveness, procrastination, negativity, unbelief, ingratitude, impulsiveness, ignorance to name a few. Thus, given that, character-shaping and purifications of all these need to occur before trying to succeed, else, one would be building on the wrong fundamentals. All these character traits if already embedded in someone’s personality whether he is aware of them or not, will make him lose.
One should never speak in anger, be open to criticism and have the willingness and openness to teaching himself what he does not know so he can build on that. Dissolving negativity no matter how hard this could be is also key. Self-control and controlling the “mind” are essential as when one controls himself, he can control anything around him, events, outcomes, and the reality around him. Without self-control, life would become loose and we would lose direction towards our goals. Success is achieved by interacting with others and is grown with the help of many around us. Thus, one must watch his attitude towards people, never implement negativity in his interactions, and watch his words, words as so powerful. They can break a lifetime relationship with anyone in a split-second. Everyone should use his words wisely and make sure they are positive and constructive regardless of whether they are opinions shared with others or replies to other people’s negative words.
Applying this will enable anyone to have the right groundwork where a building is possible to erect. Achievement is positively pushing forward through adequate actions and watching the small results manifest and trying to dissect them.
When one notices that the outcomes of what he is doing are turning out to be positive, he should implement more of these actions in a more aggressive way. Triumphs are a direct result of logically watching and analyzing results on a small daily level. On a bigger scale realizing where these small actions could lead when added-up over time by projecting them into the future, is essential.
Everyone needs to build objectively in silence while focusing on turning results in his favor in an ethical positive manner. Never take an attitude of “I am always right” or “I know it all”, these kill dreams, but rather be open to learning how things work. Everything in life is regulated by certain rules and logic. Judging oneself and fixing wrongdoings to turn them into a positive self-critical attitude, will become a drive to achieve more and reach bigger goals. The process cannot be rushed. Patience and proactively waiting are essential givens.
Finally, if someone does something over a considerable time and does not see small results accumulating positively no matter how hard he tries, it is sometimes better to quit and start something else that can divulge more positive results.
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