How to ensure the health and safety of the state leaders in press conferences during COVID-19?
1. What’s the potential safety hazard of the general pattern of press conferences?
We can not ensure that everyone present is not infected because the reporters always come from all over the world, and they contact a large number of people every single day during the press conference. So we can’t make sure if there are any asymptomatic carriers. In particular, many conferences are held in a crowded space, which increases the risk of transmission of the new coronavirus to some extent.
It is reported that Brazilian President Bosonaro confirmed that he had tested positive for coronavirus in a media interview on 7 July. But at the end of the interview, he stepped back and took off his mask in public. How amazing!
2. Why is the separation between speaking representatives and journalists necessary?
It is beneficial to ensure the safety of speaking representatives and reporters by using segregation. According to the New England Journal of Medicine, the researchers analyzed the ability of the new coronavirus to survive on different surfaces and in air.
Air: 3 hours
Plastic: up to 72 hours
stainless steel: up to 72 hours
copper: up to 4 hours
cardboard: up to 24 hours
3. How to lower the risk of spread?
(1) wear a mask all the way when you are outside
(2) carry hand sanitizers and alcohol spray with you
(3) Maintain indoor ventilation
(4) keep at least 1 meter of social distance between 2 people
(5) wear eye protector
(6) to choose the site as large as possible, as well as good ventilation windows in advance
(7) separate speaking representatives from journalists in separate compartments
4. What’s the process of a segregated pattern of press conference?
First: planning link
(1) Background on the need for activities to be carried out
(2) Principles and Key Tasks for Activities
adherence to the principles of activities:
the clear purpose of activities
(3) Brief description of the framework for the conference
Venue: To be determined
Location and mode: to be determined(best be held in a ventilated room)
Participants: Speakers, journalists, etc.
Purpose of the launch: the release of a new message
second: planning for the conference
(1) prior-period activities
Modalities for implementation:
Matters needing attention:
(2) live events
Expected results:
1) Media Invitation
2) Site deployment and arrangement
Preparation for hardware and data, such as camera,encoder,etc.
Arrangement for on-site person:to ensure the presence of orderly entry and take their temperature.
Preparation for draft
Third: result prediction
5. How to achieve a segregated pattern of press conference?
The segregated pattern of the press conference, that is the speaker is alone in a room, separate from journalists no matter they are in the same building or they are separate by a few buildings. A camera, a microphone, a network switch and a fmuser fbe200 encoder are needed. By using the fmuser fbe200 encoder, one end is connected with the camera through HDMI, the other end can connect to the Intranet through LAN. The journalists can have real-time interaction with speaking representatives just through the Intranet. And all the journalists should keep a social distance of at least one meter during this process. In this way, not only the on-site person can not be infected, but can the press conference go on wheels.
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