A heartwarming book titled “American Pye: Autobiography of a Cat” has emerged to show readers the deep resonance between humans and animals. Written by Eugenie Eberle, this book takes readers on an extraordinary journey through the eyes of a feline friend to gain an intriguing perspective on life and love.
Inspired by her wise and affectionate Siamese Blue Point Cat, the author tells the story of her frenzied life on the DO OH DA AH Ranch in New Mexico.
Customer Reviews
“Through a rough and tumble journey beyond the old adobe homestead, Pye has an uncanny knack for landing on her feet. She has big, piercing blue eyes that don’t miss a trick and a self-deprecating sense of humor to boot. Sounds an awful lot like a Twain creation, but without the sass. It’s a short read but memorable…almost like a dream. And, like a dream, the narrative and its main character might just haunt you a while, but gladly. This is a gift, no matter how you look at it; it’s a human story and an animal story; it’s sentimental, and it’s true. It’s perhaps the best of both worlds.” – Ricardo
“A very sweet book. The cat becomes your friend throughout the story, and the reader becomes invested in her sweet personality. It is a quick read, but a very memorable and enjoyable one.” – Emily Lomax
“A great read for cat lovers. I enjoyed reading about the renovation of the farm, the observations of Pye, the interaction with the other feline population, and the farm animals. Well done!” – Mary
“American Pye: Autobiography of a Cat” is available for purchase in digital print at https://www.amazon.com/American-Pye-Autobiography-Eugenia-Eberle-ebook/dp/B0BQZQGFV8/ref=sr_1_1?qid=1693246857&refinements=p_27%3AEugenia+Eberle&s=digital-text&sr=1-1&text=Eugenia+Eberle. Whether you are a feline lover or love heartwarming stories, this book promises to be a wonderful addition to your collection.
About Author
Eugenia Eberle was born in 1934 and raised in Haverford, Pennsylvania. In 1955, she married Charles Eberle, a first-year medical student at the University of Pennsylvania. She received her BA in Public History from the University of Illinois, where she was a noted Oral Historian with a special interest in WWII. She has also been published in poetry, prose, and metaphors. During their six years in Riyadh, she wrote for the Arab News and has an unpublished book, Folk and Fairy Tales of Saudi Arabia, illustrated by the Welsh artist Helga Prosser. Her interests have been in athletics, the arts, cooking, and gardening.
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