The Smart Options brand offers crypto traders insight into how to get the most out of trading. Though their content is for informational purposes only, it gives a reader insight into how the crypto economy operates. The approach to trading described is in three parts: HODL, TRADE, and THROTTLE. Also knowns as the CORE 3, it eliminates the likelihood of selling coins and tokens too soon and missing out on better profits
How the Core 3 works
In the ever-changing crypto landscape, using the same approach in all the portfolios could potentially lose money. It requires a careful mix of different methods to know when to HODL, trade or throttle when trading and investing. These three also describe the type of traders and investors in the crypto economy.
The HODL aspect refers to the acquisition and the retention of the coins. The trader is one who purchases their coins and immediately trades them once the price goes higher and makes a substantial profit. Throttle refers to the personality that’s erratic and unpredictable with regards to the handling of their portfolios. Though there are payoffs for each route, by themselves, are not guaranteed to bring desirable returns.
Smart Option’s solution
Before purchasing a coin, people should do thorough research on the company making the offering. Smart Options gives their review on new and upcoming tokens and assesses whether they are worth investing in or are too risky. Use this information and others gathered and proceed to consult with a lawyer or a professional trader to get the best advice.
The next approach is to use a 33% ration on each core approach. Buy a coin and hold on to it. Trade when the prices are twice or higher than their buying price. The throttle is where you follow a hunch or a piece of information and make a non-conservative decision. Splitting your total coins into this ration means that when one aspect fails, the others kick in to counterbalance.
There is no a right or wrong way of trading. It requires assessing the numbers and possibilities. Smart Option states that equal to following the Core 3 take out your starting capital and trade the profits and diversify your holdings.
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Company Name: Smart Options
Contact Person: Rosemary W. Tyler
Phone: 205-837-5542
Country: United States