Investor Confidence Strengthened Further Following Round Table Evening: on the Right Track for 2020

Andrew Faridani, CMO of, held the annual round table evening for the Canadian investors in Toronto on 3rd December 2019. Developments from the last year were discussed, and future plans for 2020 were shared. The incredible aspects of the marketplace, cross-platform in-game assets, the machine learning feature for Blockchain mining, and the best return for GMRX tokens were all covered along with much more.

Amid a blockchain bear market, and a cryptocurrency winter, you might expect a possible similar outlook for a business like’s, but no, they seem to be made of the right stuff!

“I am glad to have met all of you again this evening. Thank you for being here. Gaimin is still alive and kicking despite the bearish market where more than 70% of the blockchain companies that I know have closed down. Our vision for the gaming market is right; the demand for gaming has increased a lot, and so will Gaimin’s platform when we launch!” Andrew announced at dinner.

The bearish forecast has lasted a lot longer than expected. In fact, the final quarter of 2019 has not looked promising overall while the world economy has slowed down in line with the trade war between China and USA. There were however, several peaks observed throughout the year. One of which was when Chairman Xi Jinping announced his support for blockchain technology, this has indirectly and directly meant a two-digit gain for Bitcoin.

Shaun Martelly, who leads Investor Relations for North America said: “Not many blockchain projects are still working hard, many have given up. It is rare for a project like who have successfully done 2 IEOs in the last quarter of 2019. We managed to have a complete take-up of our offer on Borabit in September and also on Nazadax in November. This is a milestone for us. Thank you all for the support.”

The cryptocurrency and gaming markets have continued to shift very quickly in 2019. A sneak preview of the platform was also showcased during the roundtable, where investors got to know each and every piece of the platform and what it can do.

The discussion with Q&A strengthened the investors’ mindset and confidence level for the project. All that attended seemed convinced that the project is on the right track for 2020.

“It was a wonderful evening and a pleasure to finally meet Andrew in person. I was incredibly happy that we were all able to ask questions and Andrew was only too willing to provide the answers,” said Darlene Padios.

“Thoroughly enjoyable couple of hours. Shaun is someone I’ve known for a very long time and his unwavering trust in Andrew and the rest of the Gaimin team is what brought me onboard. Having been shown what to expect in 2020, I’m more excited than I was when I first got on board. I’ve always thought that the concept was an absolutely winning idea. Now, I’m completely confident that this team will make it happen,” said Alana Codack.’s founders and board members, along with their advisors, are making headway, with significant strides forward. The business is ideally placed to continue to do so even if the outlook in the market remains on the downside. When it picks up, the opportunities will be greater. is driving onwards, and upwards. 2020 will be riveting.

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