JOEE to Japan: Unleashing the Potential of Orphaned Children Through Creative English Education

California – Jul 11th, 2023 – JOEE to Japan, a non-profit foundation dedicated to providing English education to orphaned children in Japanese institutionalized care homes, is revolutionizing the way these vulnerable youngsters learn. Through their innovative approach of using puppets, songs, and stories, JOEE to Japan is empowering children with language skills, self-esteem, and hope.

With over 45,000 children living in institutionalized care across Japan, these young individuals face numerous challenges as they prepare to exit the care system at the age of 18. JOEE to Japan recognizes the critical role English education plays in helping these children secure fulfilling work and brighter futures.

“Our mission extends far beyond teaching English,” said Ruth Ingulsrud, Founder of JOEE to Japan. “By nurturing self-esteem and providing a solid foundation in English language skills, we equip these children with the tools to overcome obstacles and thrive in a rapidly changing world.”

JOEE to Japan’s dedicated team of native English-speaking teachers instills a love for learning through engaging activities and pronunciation games. By fostering a supportive environment, the organization aims to empower these children to excel academically and pursue a wide range of opportunities both within Japan and abroad.

As Japan’s birth rate declines and its population ages, these orphaned children represent a valuable resource for the country’s future. With their bilingual skills, empathy, and global mindset, they have the potential to become leaders who make a positive impact on society.

By supporting JOEE to Japan’s efforts, individuals and organizations can contribute to the long-term impact of building a more inclusive and prosperous society.

To make a donation and support this worthy cause, please visit on July 12th, during JOEE to Japan’s Global Giving campaign.

Media Contact
Company Name: Jose
Contact Person: Ruth Ingulsrud
Email: Send Email
Country: Japan