Kickstarter Campaign for an Interdisciplinary Book Project on Global Health Governance!

Now seeking community support via Kickstarter, this book project stands to clarify “The Metaphysics of Conflict and Cooperation Among Rational Decision Makers”

Valentine B. Andela, M.D., M.A. (Intl. Admin.) is a research scholar and managing director of an action-oriented think-tank focused on translational cancer research and technology transfer. Drawing on a decade-long experience of pro per litigation in the U.S. court system and his bent for translational research, Dr. Andela uses a simple methodology to bring a range of disciplines (philosophy, social theory; political theory; international theory; legal theory and game theory) into a cogent “Covering Law Model of Global Health Governance” and a coherent accounting of “The Metaphysics [1st Principles] of Conflict and Cooperation among Rational Decision Makers.”

To launch this remarkable research work for the academic and scientific community and for the general public, Valentine Andela has recently launched a crowdfunding campaign on Kickstarter. This campaign seeks to raise awareness and funds ($10,000) required for the completion of this book project namely editing and production.

An Advance Review Copy (“ARC”) of the book will be available on the Social Science Research Network by October 31, 2019 and will accessible on  

The Kickstarter Campaign is located on the web at: and backers from around the world can become a part of this project by making generous pledges and donations. The campaign offers a range of rewards for backers including copies of the book. For ample details, please visit the Kickstarter campaign page of the book project.

Media Contact
Company Name: Cancer-Africa, LLC
Contact Person: Valentine B. Andela
Email: Send Email
Phone: 2157305577
Country: United States