Luka Kraemer: The Go-To Generation Z Marketing Expert

This young entrepreneur is rapidly gaining a stellar reputation for his marketing expertise.
Ulm, Luka Kraemer’s company, has been very successful online and helps many reputable companies. Luka’s business idea started with a small idea that later helped him find what he loves to do!

Ulm, Germany – 19-year-old Luka Kraemer is already making a name for himself in the world of marketing. As an entrepreneur and business owner, Luka Kraemer has achieved goals of which people twice his age would be proud. His expertise is currently focused on marketing toward the Generation Z age group – those born after 1996. As Luka Kraemer explains it, the oldest of this generation will turn 24 this year, making them a valuable target audience for marketing purposes.

“I’m a Gen Z myself, so I understand the mindset,” says Luka Kraemer. “I have taught many different companies how to work with this generation – how to target them appropriately and how to get their attention. It’s definitely the way to go if you want to increase your bottom line.”

Luka Kraemer started his own marketing agency when he was 16 after becoming Google and Facebook certified. Through Luka Kraemer’s experience, he has explained the target group to many well-known customers within Germany and works with various companies such as Subway and KFC.

Information about Krämer’s marketing services can be found on his instagram at https:/ (@lifeofkraemer) and his website

In a message to anyone who would like to follow in his footsteps, this remarkable young entrepreneur has this advice to offer:

“Set your own goals, connect with people like yourself, and be open to new ideas. Most importantly, don’t be afraid to fail. When you do, learn from your mistakes and keep moving forward. Don’t ever give up!”

Follow him on Instagram @lifeofkraemer

Media Contact
Contact Person: Luka Kraemer
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Phone: 00491785787080
Country: Germany