Marshall Duke Consulting will launch an eight (8) week virtual Group Program, Resolution Roadmap, which will guide participants in customizing conflict management solutions that suit their personality, behavior style and leadership needs.
Resolution Roadmap is perfect for professional women of faith who are in positions of authority or growing teams. Participants will work through the WorkPeace™ Blueprint process alongside other women of purpose. Together we will master the core concepts of conflict resolution with the WorkPeace™ Blueprint, develop critical thinking skills and strategies, practice and apply conflict management strategies to the conflict you are facing.
Resolution Roadmap comes with a complimentary assessment to discover your conflict style.
The program will run from August 19 – October 7, 2020.
When asked about the thought of creating a program with this level of impact, Tabitha, the Creator of Resolution Roadmap, A complete guide to mastering Conflict Styles and Strategies in 8 weeks states “I truly believe that we are not powerless in the face of conflict. With the appropriate tools and the knowledge of how, when, where and why to use them, we can engage in constructive conflict processes to resolve issues, restoring and enhancing relationships.”
Tabitha’s desire is to empower women of faith to resolve and manage conflict, so that they can build and sit at their own tables if no one offers them a seat at theirs.
We want to see you! Submit your video or post using the hashtag #WorkPeace on all social media outlets! Participants will be showcased on https://marshalldukellc.com/ and on Marshall Duke Consulting’s Facebook page.
If you’re a media outlet or photographer interested in covering the Resolution Roadmap group program, please send your inquiry to Whit Devereaux at info@whitdevereaux.com
About Resolution Roadmap:
Tabitha Liburd is an attorney and conflict manager who helps professional women of faith who are overwhelmed by workplace conflict lead thriving teams with confidence.
Tabitha founded Marshall Duke Consulting, to provide conflict management solutions that go beyond just mediation, helping her clients cultivate and maintain constructive relationships with colleagues, teams and the community. Resolution Roadmap is her group coaching package. Participants will curate their customized conflict management solutions appropriate for their personality, behavior style, and leadership needs.
Media Contact
Company Name: Whit Devereaux Enterprises
Contact Person: Whit Devereaux
Email: Send Email
Phone: 8722210397
Address:1507 East 53rd Street Suite 508
City: Chicago
State: Illinois
Country: United States
Website: whitdevereaux.com