Martial Arts & Entertainment: Azure Wyvern Talks Forming Blood Star Dragons

Actor, host and cosplayer Azure Wyvern is known in the film industry for his role in “Who Stole Halloween”. With his background in marital arts skills and entertainment, Azure also formed the Blood Star Dragons. Read more about how the group was formed and where to watch!

Azure Wyvern: Blood Star Dragons was formed in May 2022. The group was created because we wanted to step out of our comfort zones and create epic, funny, and awesome content to share with the world using our skills with martial arts, storytelling, cosplaying, parkour, graphic designs, and much more! There are currently 4 members of the Blood Star Dragons. Myself, Crimson King, Leon Burton Jr., and Trey Owen. My role for the dragons is being their leader and head graphic designer. I find ways on how we can execute everyone’s content ideas and make them into reality, come up with the unique symbols that represents each of us, make sure that the dragons stay focused well focused! Crimson King is my brother and second in command in the Dragons and stunt coordinator for the dragons. He handles which stunts should be used in every video and situation! With his vast knowledge of martial arts and parkour, along with his energy, he’s able to be spontaneous and make changes on the fly! Leon Burton Jr. is our editor, graphic designer, and location finder.

He’s very well traveled and finds great locations for us to film our content in our home state of North Carolina. He also helps with ideas I may have missed, like behind the scenes footage, and much more. Trey Owen is our storyteller and lore master in the dragons. He comes up with backstories for our “dragons” and narrates our videos. He is a great singer as well! His energy is very infectious, and I enjoy seeing him work! All of the dragons bring something unique to the group, and it’s those unique perspectives that help us come up with content and give it 110% in everything we do!


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