Meet Queen Helen Abdurajak of the Maharlika Empire

Q: We’d love to get to know you. Please tell us about yourself. You have a very long and unusual name. Please share your name and its meaning, and what do you prefer people call you?


Queen Helen Abdurajak

Here’s the meaning of my long name, anointed by the 7 Makhdum.

MARIA MAKILING is the famous enchanted being of Mount Banahaw, called Mt. Makiling, and all the holy mountains of the global Earth. HELEN is the torch of light. FATIMA is the blessed Mother, the Black Fatima of the East. NASARIA is the Princess of Basilan, the enchanted wife of grandfather hero Jose Rizal. PANOLINO-ABDURAJAK is the Legal banking name. BAGINDA ALI is the enchanted protector. ELIZABETH III is the title of the Global Earth Queen, anointed by the 7 Makhdum elders.  

I preferred to be called Queen Helen Abdurajak. I am the Chosen Sovereign Queen of the Royal Imperial Lupah Sug Islamic United Kingdom of Sulu & North Borneo. Born in Maharlika (the Philippines), I am a strong woman who is humble but who fights for the plight of the marginalized, mistreated, and abused poor people of the Maharlika Kingdom of God of the Lupah Sug Empire. I am married to King Mohammad Ghamar Mamay Hasan Abdurajak bin Ghamar bin Abdul Ghapar Jamalul Kiram III, the Sovereign Judge, the Sultan of Sulu and North Borneo & the King of Southeast Asia.

Q: Tell us about your husband, King Mamay Abdurajak.

A: King Mamay has been destined by our Spiritual Elders to be married to me, as the Queen appointed and anointed by his grandfather, Prima Facie – Datu Ismael Moon Ali Sultan Muhammad Esmail  E. Kiram. My husband, King Mamay Abdurajak, is the direct descendant of Prophet Muhammad, the origin of Islam in the long line of prophets, including Moses and Jesus. King Mamay is the head leader of Islam. He is the grandson of Raja Husin Kamaluddin Jamalul Kiram of Sulu & Brunei, also known as Raja Husin Kamaruddin of Indonesia, also known as Tunku Abdul Rahman Putra al-haj of Semenanjong Malayu known as Kuala Lumpur Malaysia, whose father is Dr. Abdulgaphar Abdurajak. King Mamay is also the grandson of Raja Anang Haji Hasan Pasang Jamalul Alam, known as Tuan Muda Ghulam Hasan, the father of Dayang Putri Inshijahara Hasan Pasang, the  Mother of King Mamay and he is deeply connected to our mission to serve the highest good of the people.

Q: At a time when so much confusion and heartache filled parts of our World, as a Queen, what’s your vision for humanity? 

A: To awaken humanity and uplift the status of most poor people on this Global Earth. And to implement the roadmap to long-lasting Peace, Defense, and Safety, Economic Development, Health Care, Learning Programs, Open the source of Oil and Gas in the Philippines for transition, but mostly implement the futuristic innovative Renewable Energy to bring forth “Deuterium” for humanity to solve the coming global crisis. Deuterium is seated in the sea beds of Maharlika, the Philippines, which is the cleanest source of energy to usher a clean Earth towards our “Golden Age.” This can only be done when corruption is pulled out by its core from the roots of all corruption in the Philippines. The Philippine government has been given enough time to rectify the abusive and corrupt politicians to return their borrowed governance to its original owners – the Maharlika Kingdom of God Lupah Sug Empire.


Q: Wow, this is new news for us. Please tell us what the Maharlika Kingdom of God Lupah Sug Empire is.

A: Maharlika Kingdom of God Lupah Sug Empire is the Divine Kingdom on Earth (Banal na Lupa). Maharlika is situated on the oldest continent in the Pacific, called Lemuria. Maharlika is a fragment of Lemuria and was once powerfully ruled by Rajas, Sultans, and Datus: Leaders of the authentic Imperial Royal Blood of the East before the colonization. Resurrecting and repositioning our placement back to its origin status as authentic Empire bloodlines. We are the People of God Allah of Islam. As King and Queen of the Lupah Sug Empire, we have the sacred responsibility to manage and administer safely the transition of Holly assets to uplift the dignity of human beings and all forms of Life on Earth, where no one is left behind in our sacred mission to assist the planetary quantum field of our New Earth towards the Divine governance as we embrace all humanity as ONE human family beyond religious belief.

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Maharlika Lupah Sug Empire is the original source of gold asset deposits in all Central Banks in our World. Everyone was given the opportunity to do good in our World when gold was redistributed, but instead, World leaders’ corruption and greed set in place, causing more havoc and wars on our planet and twisting the truth with lies. And they forgot the source of gold they hold comes from one origin – the Maharlika Kingdom of God Lupah Sug Empire. Instead, the authentic bloodlines of the original Royal family, us, have been attacked, and they did kill some of our people. Nevertheless, King Mamay and I surfaced to do that correction through a rectificatory new system of governance in our World. The only way to do this is to start fresh. The central banking system in the World is currently frozen, and it’s time to reorganize the new banking system Worldwide. It led to my creation of the “Quantum Financial System” to balance the gap between the poorest people in Nations globally and stop the persistent imbalance. One hundred twenty countries have already collaborated with me in this Quantum shift. But the country that would not join will not benefit from the redistribution of Divine wealth. 


Q: This is incredible. I suppose this transition will cause people to react. As the saying goes, it gets worse before it gets better. Yet, this Quantum shift can elevate humanity to new heights. We’re looking forward to this. You also mentioned that you have immersed yourself in the enchanted realm. What’s your connection with the enchanted? 

A: I have a very high connection with the Enchanted realm because I belong to the Lineage of the mystical Lemurian ancestry that has a mixture of the Divine flowing in our veins. I am highly intuitive and psychic and grew up in Liguasan Marsh in Maharlika, immersed in the realms of the unseen. 

Q: What a great spiritual gift to be a part of the enchanted realm and be of this World as a leader simultaneously. I’d like to know about your inspiration in life. What inspires you, what fun in Life, and what’s your favorite food?

A: My inspiration is God’s Love and compassion that does not expect any in return while freely given and that His Love and Mercy are beyond comparable. My Life is dedicated to this Mission to serve, and being deeply involved in my mission, it takes 100 percent dedication and devotion to do this sacred work. Ama Ali is my beloved mentor and inspiration to keep me moving forward. He provided love, support, protection, and sacrifices to keep me strong. One day I also wish to have a fun Life and enjoy it with my family, husband, and children. Being with Asians, I enjoy seafood, vegetables, and fruits.


Ama Ali is a Prima Facie – Datu Ismael Moon Ali Sultan Muhammad Esmail  E. Kiram

Q: Thank you for taking the time to do this interview. I enjoyed hearing about your vision and Mission and would like to know more about your future programs. Lastly, can you share a quote or words that spark a spirited message for our readers?

A: I appreciate you taking the time to cover my story, and I am happy to provide more information for the World to know more about my presence in this Golden Age.

Queen Helen Abdurajak of Maharlika Kingdom of God Lupah Sug Empire

While writing this interview, I encountered an interesting saying from a friend with a Universal point of view by an ascended Master from the East. 

“Knowing the omnipresent and all-pervasive Brahma (God) as the fundamental essence of every stratum of the crude, subtle, and causal worlds, and as the vital Nucleus of all enjoyment and enjoyers, we will have to construct everything of Life anew. Keeping this cosmic ideation ever aglow before our eyes, we will have to reorganize our very life structure in a new pattern. My God, your God, the Hari of the Hindus and the Allah of the Muslims – we should forget all these types of differentiations and accept the all-embracing ideation of that Supreme Entity with all our minds, with all our beings – the ideation of that changeless Entity who is the eternal abode of each and everyone. We need not unnecessarily confuse our brains, thinking whether to call Him Hari or Allah.” – Shrii Shrii Anandamurtiji.

Q: Incredible. I am pleased to meet you, Queen Helen, and looking forward to future follow-up interviews. Thank you! Lastly, please let us know how you can be reached.

A: For future interviews, you can reach me through “Galactic Goddess TV” on Youtube. 

Video Link:

Princess Radhaa Nilia of Radhaa Publishing House and Princess Maya, aka Maya The Shaman. They host USA interviews about me and my husband, King Mamay, to update you on our current programs. You can find my interviews on Galactic Goddess TV: Thank you!

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