Moishe – A Short Film is based on the untold true story of the Cantonists and it is a project of a gifted filmmaker, Maya Katherine Cooper. This short emotional drama explores the forgotten Jewish history of the Cantonists, young Jewish boys kidnapped from their homes and forced to convert to Christianity before serving 25 years in the army. To share this untold story with the world, Maya has recently launched a crowdfunding campaign on Kickstarter, and she is welcoming generous support and backing.
“The true story of Moishe Gralnick took place in the Russian Empire in the 1800s, and it is the first time ever that it is being documented in the form of a short filmroughly 20 minutes long.” Said Maya Katherine Cooper, while introducing this project to the Kickstarter community. “The story of the Cantonists has been buried and forgotten by history and with this short film, we are bringing it back into the light for the whole world.” She added. According to the UK based filmmaker, the film is about faith, perseverance, and endurance, and it will inspire the next generations of humanity and people from all faiths.
The Kickstarter Campaign is located on the web at: and backers from around the world can become a part of this project by making generous pledges and donations. Moreover, the goal of this Kickstarter campaign is to raise a sum of GBP 25,900. The filmmaker is offering several great rewards for the backers with worldwide shipping and Kickstarter has already labeled this campaign as ‘the project we love’.
About This Project
Moishe – A Short Film is an inspiring new short film of about 20 minutes length, and it is created by a seasoned actress, writer, director, and filmmaker, Maya Katherine Cooper. The film reveals the untold true story of the Jewish people in the Russian Empire from the early 19th century, and Maya is currently crowdfunding it on Kickstarter. Furthermore, more details are available on the Kickstarter campaign page of the project.
Media Contact
Company Name: Maya Katherine Productions
Contact Person: Maya Katherine
Email: Send Email
Phone: 07923489864
City: London
Country: United Kingdom