Mold Solutions offers mold remediation and prevention services to homeowners in need of clean-up. Our professional staff uses the best in industry equipment for dependable results. Mold can affect anyone, but we do everything possible to reduce or prevent exposure through proper cleanup and air quality management. Get Mold Solutions so you don’t have to spend more – it’s just that easy!
While mold is a common problem in homes, it can be just as easily found outside. Mold grows everywhere there’s moisture and plenty of food – like wood or paper products that are decaying. While any household will have some level of exposure to fungi spores outdoors, the likelihood of an indoor infestation is higher than ever before thanks to climate change.
Molds are spore-forming fungi that grow in damp, humid conditions. The mold spores travel through the air, meaning they could potentially end up anywhere. It’s important to use a professional service for removing mold when you find it growing indoors because improperly handled mold could lead to serious health problems.
Indoor mold growth is often visible on walls and ceilings as patches of black or green fuzz or thick spots with a furry texture known as “mildew.” Mold has an unpleasant odor – think musty basement—but can also be found behind wallpaper and wall coverings where you won’t notice them until they’re too far gone and have started making people sick. In order to remove mold from your home’s surfaces, mold removal contractors need to first locate the mold and then determine which type it is.
Mold spores are microscopic pieces of mold that can float in your home’s air for hours or days before settling on kitchen counters, bookshelves, window sills, and other surfaces. The more mold you have inside your house, the higher the risk of developing an allergic reaction to airborne mold when you breathe them in – eventually causing asthma symptoms like wheezing and difficulty breathing. Children with asthma may develop respiratory distress because they could potentially inhale large amounts of mold spores at once without even knowing it as well as triggering their allergies or aggravating existing conditions like eczema or hay fever by coming into contact with moldy materials such as clothes mittens, stuffed animals and blankets.
Mold can attack your home in a number of ways: through mold spores that enter through open windows, doors or vents; from mold on the outside of your house – which gets tracked inside by shoes-and clothes; mold growing beneath carpets and rugs that may be hidden out of sight (hidden mold); condensation dripping onto surfaces where it grows mold such as walls behind air conditioners.
Call us now at (425) 888-3332. We are available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year! Our technicians will visit your home right away with all of the necessary tools and supplies needed to complete an efficient work order on site – no matter where you may be located in the United States.
Media Contact
Company Name: Logic Inbound
Contact Person: Hayk Saakian
Email: Send Email
Phone: 866-814-7209
Address:500 Mercer Street Floor 2
City: Seattle
State: WA
Country: United States
Website: https://thatmoldlady.com/