Mr. Hu Baishan Won the Title of Outstanding Individual in Business Management of Zhejiang Province

Economy and Information Technology Department of Zhejiang recently released the list of Benchmarking Enterprises and Outstanding Individuals in Business Management in Zhejiang 2021. Mr. Hu Baishan, party secretary of NHU has won the title of Outstanding Individual in Business Management.

It’s another personal honor Mr. Hu had received. Prior to this, he had won the Outstanding Achievement Award for Young and Middle-aged Experts of Zhejiang Province 2016, and was in the list of Forbes China 2019 – Outstanding Leaders of Chinese Enterprises in Multinational Business and Forbes 2020 – Best CEOs of China.

The title of Outstanding Individual in Business Management recognizes not only Mr. Hu’s great contribution in promoting the high-quality development of the company, but also the unremitting efforts and development achievements of NHU over the years.

It is our glorious mission and responsibility to contribute to the high-quality development, the construction of a demonstration zone of common prosperity and the creation of a global base of advanced manufacturing.

Common prosperity is a great dream of the Chinese nation that can only be achieved through the hard work and mutual support of all people. Businesses and people from the private sector are the beneficiaries and participants, and more importantly, the advocators and contributors of promoting common prosperity.

Keeping in mind our initial aspiration – creating better conditions for schools, we have always set our heart on giving back to the society. Through innovation, cooperation, and integration of global resources, we have grown from a “small workshop” to an industry leader one step at a time. We are making contributions to the revival of national industries and to the prosperity of the nation.

In order to promote common prosperity, NHU has never been absent from the cause of poverty alleviation. Over the years, we have joined the “10,000 enterprises help 10,000 villages” project to accelerate the process of poverty alleviation, providing paired-up assistance to Huangjiashan Village in Xiaojin County, Sichuan Province. We also paired up with Laogu Village in Butuo County, Sichuan Province to speed up lifting it out of poverty via sector-specific programs, pro-consumption campaigns, and volunteer services, so as to prevent poverty from being passed down to the next generation.

In the process of building a world-leading base of advanced manufacturing, NHU has always adhered to the “coaching and mentoring culture” with an open mind and benchmarking-based learning. We insist on facing the global market, integrating the global resources, and learning from the excellent. We are cooperating with Shell, introducing advanced HSE management system to achieve intrinsic safety. We are also working with Zhejiang Runtu Co., Ltd., DSM, and TOYOBO to complement each other’s strength for win-win cooperation. This helps enhance the innovation chain and value chain, boost competitiveness and catalyze high-quality development.

As an innovative enterprise, NHU understands that the way of management also requires innovation and improvement. Over the years, we have actively pursued management efficiency to achieve higher economic yield. Oriented by our goals and based on our problems, every year, NHU proposes innovation projects, assesses and commends work performance, reviews and criticizes (including self-criticism), and stimulates the innovative vitality of employees. We address main problems and weak links in management, constantly modernize the management system and capabilities, and relentlessly promote the optimization of quality, efficiency, and procedures. This has animated our high-quality development and our endeavor of becoming a world-leading enterprise.

NHU will continue to move forward towards the vision of becoming China’s top and the world’s top fine chemical company. We will keep benchmarking against the first-class enterprises to strengthen lean management, optimize industrial layout, maintain high-quality development, and advocates common prosperity.

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