New book addresses state of race relations in America

Tucson, AZ – John Williams, author of 11 books, announces the launch of his newest book that redefines the topic of race and will change the negative narrative forever.

“The Falsehood of Perceived Significance Due To Race – Debunking Assumptions” will be released on the Amazon Kindle platform on March 17, 2017.

This book promises to become new primer on the topics of race and racism in America and the world. It debunks false assumptions about race and argues that inaction is not a valid excuse.

Williams brings a message that has long been needed to the black community, but one that applies to all. It is a message of hope that contradicts the naysayers and skeptics.

In this book, Williams kicks over the tables of the dominant narratives on race and the topic of racial equality.

He challenges readers to re-examine, with a critical eye, what they have been taught for decades through media, education, entertainment and the so-called norms of our day.

There is no voice that cries out and no message that is heard that speaks life to the negative, and often divisive, topic of race like that of author John Williams.

John Williams is a 26+ year aviation professional, pet enthusiast, musician and writer who lives in Arizona. John, with a team of professionals, produces informative books with refreshing content and style. He has published the books, “Take Charge of Your Aviation Career,” “Bichon Frise – Unique Among Dogs,” “Pomeranian – Breed Of A Queen,” “The Boxer Scholar And Clown,” “German Shepherd: Loyal, Powerful And Noble,” “The Bulldog,” and a sci-fi novel, “Wormhole Moon,” the first of a planned trilogy.

“The Falsehood of Perceived Significance Due To Race – Debunking Assumptions” will be offered for free for five days for the Amazon Kindle and then $3.99 thereafter. After 90 days, it will be available on Smashwords, Apple, Kobo, Barnes & Noble, Inktera, Baker & Taylor Blio, Txtr, Library Direct, Baker-Taylor Axls360, Overdrive, Scribd, Cloud Library, Yuzu, Tolino, Odilo, Gardens Library and Gardners Extended Retail.

Media Contact
Company Name: The Falsehood of Perceived Significance Due To Race – Debunking Assumptions
Contact Person: John Williams, Author
Phone: +1 512-412-0406
Country: United States