“Unraveled” by Jan C. Booth has been released worldwide. This short novel tells the story of two avian companions, Sage and Little Bird, and the path they take together to heal the pain of Little Bird’s past. Through compassion, patience, and trust, the two birds tenderly address the anguish in Little Bird’s life, unpacking traumatic memories represented by a golden disk. Through Sage’s wisdom and guidance, Little Bird is able to confront her past, see the possibilities that life still holds for her, and embark on a journey of healing that allows her to take flight once again.
Creating an analogy for those suffering from emotional, physical, and psychological damage, Booth uses her experience as a trauma specialist to deftly introduce treatment principles for PTSD and Complex PTSD and show readers a path forward. The story emphasizes the importance of trust between sufferer and healer, the gentle resolve that Sage provides, and the incremental changes that help Little Bird transform from focusing on the painful past to looking forward to a hopeful future.
This story is meant for therapists and trauma survivors alike, providing a framework for the layers of healing that must occur for long-term recovery and creating optimistic guidance for reclaiming joy and peace. The book also includes essential background information in its introduction and concludes with instructions for a Golden Threads of Light Activity that readers can incorporate into their own lives.
Unraveling (ISBN: 9798985010435) can be purchased through retailers worldwide, including barnesandnoble.com and Amazon. The paperback retails for $6.99. Wholesale orders are available through Ingram.
From the back cover:
Become one with the character as the story unfolds showing the wonder of trust and releasing memories of the past to embrace the beauty of the present moment and the possibilities of tomorrow. This is an allegory inviting you into the story of two magnificent birds, creatures of the forest who find strength in one another and healing through the gift of trust and understanding.
Little Bird and Sage will capture your imagination as they weave their way through the wounds inflicted upon Little Bird and the wisdom of love, patience, and compassion of Sage. We all suffer trauma, for some the wounds run so deep they seep into present day life to hinder forward progression. Through this story you see how the past is released and the future embraced.
About the author:
Jan C. Booth, M.S. is an author, educator, and specialist in trauma, Complex PTSD, and PTSD. She has worked in the fields of addiction and criminal justice and has served on crisis teams in a hospital and in a school district. She is a professor and business consultant. However, family always comes first. She feels that when a child is provided a loving and safe home environment, they learn tools for living and adopt inner resources to assist them in managing the complexities of life. When the home environment is more disruptive, she teaches skills to grow beyond the past and learn the tools and self-strengthening techniques to enhance their own resiliency to move forward in life with hope, joy, and compassion. She’s a strong advocate for youth and embraces the possibilities within an individual and strives to empower others into the direction of their dreams and goals.
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Manhattan Book Group (“MBG”), located on Broadway in New York City, is a registered trade name of Mindstir Media LLC. MBG is widely known as a premier hybrid book publisher. We have combined the best of traditional publishing with the best of self-publishing to provide authors with the “best of both worlds” in a sense.
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