“The Knight Who Fled The Light,” written and illustrated by Gerre Bracey Harris, has been released worldwide. This 22-page, full color children’s book tells the story of a little knight whose kindness and desire to serve are hindered by fear, negative self-talk and seeming rejection. Afraid and lonely, he runs away, but is soon lost in the darkness. This darkest of personal experiences is where “Of Little Faith and Fearful” knight learns why and how The Great King is the champion for those who cannot help themselves.
The story of transformation through obedience and loyalty, self-acceptance, forgiveness, and divine wisdom shows today’s youth that while they may have their doubts, the light and love of God’s truth never fails to lead through the dark times. With grace, mercy, and new perspective, the little knight’s experience teaches young readers how faith defeats the darkness of all fears, and that when we feel weak, God is our resolve as well as our reserve.
Both entertaining and educational, the book includes a review list of new vocabulary, and a reader, who chooses to become “a Knight in the service of The Great King” is awarded a certificate to record name and date for commemoration and celebration of battles won. By fun, rhyming storytelling and delightful illustrations, Harris weaves an enjoyable tale with an important message to resonate with people of all ages.
The Knight Who Fled The Light (ISBN: 9781960142412) can be purchased through retailers worldwide, including Barnes and Noble and Amazon. The hardcover retails for $24.99 and the ebook retails for $9.99. Wholesale orders are available through Ingram. Review copies and interviews are available upon request. Signed copies, with special gift, are available only via the author’s website: www.gerrebraceyharris.com
From the back cover:
“Of Little Faith and Fearful,” the shortest knight and very much full of fright, abandons his call of duty to The Great King because he believes he’s unqualified for service. He soon discovers, from personal encounter, how The Great King qualifies the called.
About the author:
Gerre Bracey Harris, former teacher, administrator and adjunct instructor, retired in 2000 after 25 years in public and private education. Since 1999, she is a professional actress, model, writer, and composer. In 1981, she was called to serve the Great King. HIS Name is JESUS.
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