“Three Dogs and An Ice Pack” by Hedy M. Salazar has been released worldwide. This unique, 441-page novel follows Cecelia Butts, also known as Cilly or CB, the owner of Alabama bed and breakfast CB Manor. When a childhood boyfriend comes back to enlist her help investigating the 35-year-old cold case of his wife’s disappearance, CB’s life is thrown into turmoil.
Using her skills as a private investigator, the resources of a wealthy neighbor, her uncle’s police connections, and access to the powerful SecNav, CB and her associates begin the hunt for clues about what happened to Gloria. From government coverups to threats against her life, Cilly’s investigation is marked with danger and unexpected twists, as well as the quirky personalities of the people she encounters along the way.
This unique novel combines the excitement of a crime thriller with the comical whims of zany characters to create an entertaining, compelling narrative focused on a strong female protagonist that doesn’t fit the traditional mold. The author defies convention by centering the story on characters over 50, showing readers that growth, change, and excitement can happen at any age. With twisting, interwoven plotlines, hilarious dialogue, and well-developed, lovable characters, Hedy M. Salazar brings readers into a small Alabama town and plunges them into a conspiracy of epic proportions.
Three Dogs and An Icepack (ISBN: 9781958729489) can be purchased through retailers worldwide, including Barnes and Noble and Amazon. The paperback retails for $23.95. Wholesale orders are available through Ingram. Review copies and interviews are available upon request.
From the back cover:
CB Manor, a Bed and Breakfast in Guntersville, Alabama will never be the same after CB’s, Cecilia “Cilly” Butts childhood boyfriend returns 40 years later and enlists her PI skills to find his wife, Gloria, who disappeared 35 years earlier or to prove she is dead. CB agrees to take on the 35 year old cold case file originally investigated by the FBI, CID, NCIS and local law enforcement. Why did Gloria disappear? Is she dead or alive? Who is trying to impede CB’s current investigation? Why is SecNav interested? Danger surrounds this investigation, CB Manor and the lives of CB’s friends and family.
CB enlists the assistance of Spencer Salazar, CB’s neighbor and powerfully wealthy friend, but it is her Uncle Thad, retired Master Chief Petty Officer and CB’s Man Friday, who has access to SecNav who also wants CB to resolve the mystery of Gloria’s disappearance. How is the government involved? Who in the government is involved? Who is trying to kill CB?
Will sassy, potty mouth, stubborn, and determined CB succeed where all of those government law enforcement agencies failed? And what does she stand to lose because she refused to give up this quest?
About the author:
Hedy Misialek Salazar was born in Washington, DC, lived and graduated HS in Bladensburg Maryland. She spend 40 years working in the oil patch in Oklahoma, Texas, South Dakota and Alabama. Her husband always told her that she was ‘wicked’ with words and encouraged her to write her story. She did through her book “A Crack in the Foundation” co-authored with her friend and cohort Helen Newell.
Along with writing, Hedy is an artist, singer, actor and most recently a ballroom dancer and competitor. She has two sons, two step-sons and a pseudo adopted daughter and lives, with Buddy, her new canine companion, in Birmingham, Al.
Her life’s motto: Wake up happy, stay happy all day, make at least one person laugh, and go to bed happy. Happy is a choice. Embrace the choices you have.
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