Now everyone can avail the services of a personal butler without paying a fancy amount of money with Buddyler – an Icebach Media App

With today’s dynamic lifestyle people might find it difficult to juggle between day-to-day tasks and errands. It becomes quite a feat to strike a perfect balance between work and household work and when the pressure builds up, a little help never hurt anybody. So, to become that helping hand that stretches out from the void of busy schedules and timetables, Icebach Media has developed a platform that is committed to providing users with the services of their very own personal butler. Their app, Buddyler, was launched recently on Kickstarter with a funding goal set at 4000 Euros.

The app allows users to find people who are willing to help them out in their and activities at the expense of a reasonable fee. There will be no hidden fees. Users are directed to create a detailed survey, delineating the task that they wish to be accomplished. The profile of the task will then be featured in a potential jobs list for butlers in the respective region. Butlers, through their app, can access the details to tasks and accept to perform them in return of their fee. Buddyler also comes with a built-in messaging service allowing butlers and customers to communicate. This encouraged correspondence allows for the task to be laid out in greater detail, ensuring a convenient experience for butlers and, ultimately, end-results that are satisfactorily delivered for the customers.

Buddyler aims to create a lifestyle for their customers that is easy, efficient and stress-free. The service offers a relatively inexpensive deal for people who struggle to achieve success in getting work such as groceries or posting a letter done on time. The app helps users to productively manage their time at a cost that they get to decide themselves. Buddyler does not charge any additional hidden fees or subscription charges though buttlers need to pay a little fee. It is a service that supplies the service of personal butlers anytime and anywhere. The flexible system is a great advantage to both – customers and butlers; as the former can get a task done anytime they require to and the latter get to develop a customized working schedule.

Presently, Buddyler offers its personal butler services only in Europe. However, Munich based Icebach Media aims at further international expansion in the coming future. They aim at creating urban lifestyles in which the assistance of a personal helper can be availed at any time without the conventional hassle involved in offering permanent employment.

To support Buddyler and gain more information on the rewards and perks available for financial backers, visit their Kickstarter campaign page.

Media Contact
Company Name: Icebach Media
Contact Person: Tristan von Tschirschnitz
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Country: Germany