Pest Control Alert After A Great Summer Travel Waking Up To Telltale Signs That Indicate A Room Has Bed bugs.

“Experienced exterminators know exactly where to look and use a wide array of tools to assist with this task. Bed bugs can travel throughout a home or building, inspections of adjoining rooms or apartments are also often required.One of the initial tasks o”
Bed bugs in the bedroom will have indicators of an invasion. Knowing what to look for is key. Being able to identify the nasty pests is priority.There are two ways to eliminate the Bed bugs. First by using Do-it-yourself methods or contacting a Professional pest control Exterminator.

Bed bugs can hide but are not smart enough to hide the evidence of feasting on people’s blood. The following are things to look for because unfortunately the bedroom may be crawling with bed bugs. Signs of a bed bug infestation can be seen both night and day:

• Bedbugs have two layered shells and shed skins.
• mattress and bedding will show the feces left behind.
• sheets and pajamas will have dark blood stains.

Bed bug fecal stains are different from regular blood stains:

Bed bugs favorite food is human blood. The pests creep out of hiding places at night like Dracula to seek out some people blood. There is a false notion that the fecal stains from the insects are normal blood stains. But this is not the case. Fecal stains, spotting and blood stains are dark brown or black.


1. Red welts that are raised
2. Itching and burning
3. Bed bug bite rash
4. Multiple bites in a row

What does a Bed Bug look and what to do to identify the pests. Many people still don’t know what a bed bug even looks like:

Check online for pictures of bed bugs.Or take a picture and send to a pest control professional to assist in identifying.

It’s priority to know what type of pest that’s invading the bed room.

Remove linens to inspect for bed bugs, feces and blood stains. Don’t forget the mattress cover.

Thoroughly inspect the mattress by checking the crevices, edges and piping.
Box spring needs to be checked for the bed bugs and it’s eggs.

There is a definite protocol to follow for pest control services which includes many other area the home to check for bed bugs.

After all of this investigation it’s now a fact that the signs indicate a bed bug infestation. Some helpful hints on how to get rid of bed bug bites.It is highly recommended to see a dermatologist. Especially if the multiple bites show signs of pus,blisters or any other signs of a severe allergic reaction or infection.

Bed bugs protocol recommended instructions:

Wash the Bed Bug bites with warm water to prevent infection and reduce itchiness. Apply some over the counter cream to ease the itch. Ask the pharmacist to recommend one. If that doesn’t help then check with a dermatologist.

Now there may be a need for some extra help in eliminating the Bed Bug Infestation. Not everybody is a do-it-yourself kind of person to handle this serious problem. This type of infestation has to be taken care of as soon as possible. Especially in Summer. It’s high travel time and Bed Bugs love to hop a ride on clothing, luggage, purses, backpacks, even in vehicles. All of which can be from hotels, motels, bed and breakfasts, dormitories, apartments, offices, and of course homes.

The million dollar question is How To Get Rid of Bed Bugs. The first step is to contact AMPM EXTERMINATORS for professional Bed Bug Services. The technician will present AMPM Exterminators protocol to follow before treatment may be applied. It is crucial that these steps be followed to the tee. Otherwise the entire instructions have to be done over again. The goal is to EXTERMINATE the unwanted pests and not keep the bed bugs in residence of the home. To learn about the type of treatments that may be applied call AMPM EXTERMINATORS for experienced and very experienced technicians to provide this Bed Bug Infestation.

Media Contact
Company Name: Pest Control for Bed bugs
Contact Person: Daniel Hunts
Phone: (425) 495-0306
Address:15127 NE 24th St. Suite 221
City: Redmond
State: Washington
Country: United States