Pioneering Cosmetic Surgeon Dr. Carmine Mele, Is Reshaping Plastic Surgery Through His Groundbreaking Meletouch Protocol

On social media, he is making noise and attracting attention. A handsome man in a white coat at the foot of Mount Vesuvius is caring for his patients with innovative methods. Who is Dr. Carmine Mele? A cosmetic surgeon specializing in aesthetic and reconstructive plastic surgery, Mele coined the Mele method, which creates, transforms, and shapes beauty in a protocol for pleasing and pleasing oneself that many call “Meletouch.”

Who is Dr. Carmine Mele

The protocol of the new cosmetic surgery is made in Campania; Meletouch ensures a natural effect at any age. Guaranteed result, without any particular pain, discomfort, or complications in the postoperative period.

Dr. Mele defines health as “a complete state of physical, psychological and social well-being and not simply the absence of disease,” and it is from this assumption that his work, which merges plastic and cosmetic surgery and the dictates of psychology, is born. A patient may turn to the surgeon for physiological needs, that is, in cases where there is a physical defect that hinders vital functions of the organism (in the case of a functional rhinosectoplasty to improve breathing), but often the needs are purely aesthetic based on psychological motivations designed to meet standards of beauty such as to achieve a change not only “outward” but above all inner, configuring a reworking of one’s psyche.

According to Dr. Carmine Mele, all these concepts as well as the continuous search for “beauty” have always found fertile ground in an environment as rich in history and culture as the Neapolitan one, where pleasure, but especially liking oneself, is the basis of most people’s philosophy of life.

As is often the case, numbers play a key role in corroborating this thesis of his: in the last year, in fact, with reference to the Campania Region, there has been an increase in the number of patients (the male-to-female ratio is 1 to 6) who decide to undergo cosmetic surgery and medicine, but also secondary surgery.

Within cosmetic surgery, the percentage of those who underwent additive and prosthetic replacements is 60 percent; rhinoplasty 40 percent, otoplasty 15 percent; and blepharoplasty 30 percent. As for aesthetic medicine, facial surgeries focus on botox (botulinum) and fillers (hyaluronic acid), with a percentage of 65 percent. For the body, the percentage is 50 percent for carbassitherapy, radiofrequency, and microwaves. Finally, for secondary surgery, corrections and surgeries performed elsewhere for breasts and nose speak of 50 percent of the total.

A surprising figure also concerns the boom that plastic surgery has experienced in the era of “lockdown” due to the pandemic and seeing oneself projected on small and large screens for business purposes or simply as an alternative method of socializing. These new modes of communication have accentuated the perception of those small and large flaws with which we were not so accustomed to approaching, coming to define what many call the “Zoom Face” by the very program that allows us to communicate. This boom has significantly affected the face with all the related cosmetic surgery and medicine.

Faced with this increased demand for surgeries, Carmine Mele has responded with a renewed attitude to surgeries: “The concept of ‘beauty’ cannot detach itself from those of elegance, refinement, and naturalness, and it is precisely from this thought that the Mele Protocol originated: an innovative way of doing surgery where the naturalness of the result is placed at the center, importunate however in the search for beauty.” And so today, the naturalness effect is also to be sought in aesthetic medicine.

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