August 3, 2020 – To help small businesses, website founders, local services and artists promote their ventures and offerings, this five years old press release writing gig on Fiverr (also available via Telegram and Email) is doing a great job. For over three years, ‘Create a Five Star Press Release’ by 21c Content (amitontheweb) has helped thousands of small businesses, local services, websites and startups be seen online.
There is always a reason to write a press release, but actually writing a press release can be cumbersome. There are many marketing and professional do’s and don’ts to keep in mind. Trust this Fiverr gig to do the heavy lifting, all within 12-24 hours and with complete professionalism!
“Super responsive and great quality work!” says a recent review.
“This was a FLAWLESS job! Clearly thought out and engaging press release. No changes. Nailed it in the first go!” says another review.
Publishing a press release makes it easy to find a business. They help with traffic via inbound links, and improve the SEO rankings of websites. They also make it easy to find founders, startups and artists with a quick search. That’s why press release writing is today a permanent fixture in the world of marketing, where every penny counts towards bringing in revenue.
So to answer a common question, ‘Why should I write a press release’, it helps to:
Give an official voice to your business
Promote websites and apps on search engines
Improve SEO and authority rankings
Improve online visibility and reputation
Put the press release up on your website
Share the press release link on social media
There are good reasons to hire a press release writer, even from countries like India. They have done this work for multinational corporations and small businesses alike, and can produce a well written document. The prices are cheap too.
For distribution too, this service offers online publication with their partners, and within a day or two, your press release would be found online on Google index, and channels of major media outlets like CBC, NBC, Fox24, Digital Journal, etc. The press release goes to 500+ distribution channels, a massive exposure for reasonable prices.
“I have written press releases for local services like plumbers, electricians and real estate agents, small businesses such as online e-stores, global traders and MNCs. I have also written for singers and musicians, authors, event planners, models and entrepreneurs. Even an ex-CIA agent!” says the representative for 21c Content.
There are good reasons to trust and go to this press release writing service. For instance, for a very cheap price, anyone can get a press release written with:
Light and easy reading style (no jargon, no mess!)
A clear, well defined structure (no dense text)
Logical flow of information (easy to browse)
Catchy, relevant or newsworthy title (gets the attention)
All key features, main points highlighted (nothing is missed out)
Call to action and links interspersed (brings traffic and SEO benefits)
To get a press release written today, contact this service on Telegram: @amitontheweb or Skype @amitontheweb
For more information, please visit:
Media Contact
Company Name: 21c Content
Contact Person: Amit Sharma
Email: Send Email
Country: United States