The 21st of March each year is World Down Syndrome Day, a day dedicated to increase the awareness and celebrate persons with Down Syndrome. A group of people in Silicon Valley, led by Candi Robinson and Marcie Turner, both parents of children with Down Syndrome, however, doing the extraordinary by creating a video to the song, “This is Me,” as the families hope to celebrate persons people with Down Syndrome and promote acceptance and inclusion.
Down syndrome, otherwise known as trisomy 21 is a genetic disorder that has been associated with physical growth delays, mild to moderate intellectual disability, and characteristic facial features. While different institutions have been working assiduously to increase the awareness about Down Syndrome particularly when it comes to preventing it and helping people with the condition lead a meaningful life, there is still more to be done in these aspects. With studies showing that efforts such as early childhood intervention, screening for common problems, medical treatment where indicated, a good family environment, and work-related training can improve the development of children with Down syndrome, it has become imperative for everyone including “ordinary” to continuously make efforts to help reduce the impact of the condition on people living with Down Syndrome and their families.
A group of Silicon Valley families bonded by an extra chromosome has come together to create a video to promote Down Syndrome Awareness. Currently available on YouTube, the video to the song “This is Me,” shows people that know what it means to live with Down Syndrome singing melodiously and passionately to champion people with Down Syndrome.
The 21st of March each year was chosen to signify the uniqueness of the triplication (trisomy) of the 21st chromosome which causes Down Syndrome and has been officially observed by the United Nations since 2012. These Silicon Valley families have subsequently used their creativity to make a video talking about Down Syndrome in a unique way, helping people to understand the beauty of people living with Down Syndrome and encourage acceptance and inclusion.
The amazing video to the song is currently available on YouTube.
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Contact Person: Candi Robinson
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