Having disappeared after WWII, members of an Israeli organization search the world for Eichmann, hoping to one day capture one of the men responsible for brutally massacring millions of Jews, and others. Following any tip possible, eventually they discover a Jewish father and daughter who swear Eichmann quietly lives in their community, under a new name. The search for Eichmann ramps up, and the agents begin to fervently believe they have found their man. As they get closer and closer, a plan must also be created to capture Eichmann, and secretly transport the villain back to Israel. Is it really Eichmann? And if so, what complications may arise that might destroy their plans to have this notorious Nazi held responsible for his crimes? “Six Million Accusers” is based on historic detail, and David Lawrence-Young does an excellent job reliving the hunt for, and capture of Adolf Eichmann.
Six Million Accusers: Catching Adolf Eichmann is a gripping novel about one of the most horrendous acts in history and the capture of a notorious high ranking Nazi Official who played a key role in the “solution to the Jewish problem.”
As the story unfolds we learn of several Jewish families who were able to foresee the immanent danger Hitler and the Nazi Party posed decided to escape to Palestine. Many of those who escaped join military forces and fight against the Nazis. Some are asked to take on secret missions to help defeat Hitler. The skills learned during these missions become invaluable especially after the war when Adolf Eichmann’s whereabouts are discovered. The Mossad, an intelligence agency in Israel, sets out to verify the identity of the man believed to be Adolf Eichmann who is living in Buenos Aires. Their mission is to capture him and return him to Israel in order to stand trial for his crimes. Can they carry out their quest undetected before Eichmann slips away?
D. Lawrence-Young has a gift for story-telling. Vivid details and well-developed intriguing characters make Six Million Accusers an all around captivating read. Before reading the story, I hadn’t really known much about Adolf Eichmann, but since i have done a little research and was even more pleased with the author’s retelling of events. The discovery, chase, and capture of the infamous Adolf Eichmann is a thrilling account and the book is difficult to put down.
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