LLCs have become a very popular and convenient structure to start a business.
An LLC combines the best elements of a sole proprietorship, personal liability protection and privacy for business owners. LLCs allow business owners to hold onto assets separately from the assets, losses, and debts of the LLC. Foreigners can acquire an American Samoan LLC or start a new liability company in American Samoa. Anyone form of an LLC in American Samoa. Foreign companies as well as foreign citizens have the freedom to form a limited liability company in American Samoa. Limited liability protection that works in favor of LLC business owners. It is an important feature of the American Samoan and has made it one of the most popular business structures in The United States.
Non-American citizens can own the assets when it comes to forming a limited liability company or LLC. The fact of the matter is that USA residents, non-residents, corporations, and foreigners people within the U.S. can own an American Samoan LLC.
The step by step process to form a new LLC remains the same for American citizens and Foreigners. The business owners just need to follow the Step by step process on the official government website LLC.AS.GOV.
When it comes to the forming an LLC, different states have many different laws. In American Samoa, owners have the ability to remain anonymous. This helps keep LLC members personnal information private from the rest of the world. Foreigners Should Consider forming an American Samoan LLC as a foreigner or non-resident to get those LLC benefits.
File for the Visa
Planning to work in the LLC company that is being formed in the Un ited States of America, then it will necass to get a visa. With E-2 Treaty Visa, you can travel back and forth from the States to take care of business operations for two years. But this visa depends on whether or not your country of origin has a treaty with the United States.
Apply for an EIN and Get Your Federal Tax ID my take a few more steps.
Foreigners don’t need a social security number, they can opt for an ITIN or Individual Taxpayer Identification Number. This ITIN makes it possible for non-residents to get EIN or Employee Identification Number directly from the IRS. Apply for a Employee Identification Number by filing Form SS-4.Owners.
American Samoan LLCs don’t have to worry about State taxation due to the pass-through of mechanism to move profits and loss to income taxes. But make sure to consult a Tax professional in the country or state a business currently resides as that may impact your LLC taxation. American Samoan LLCs don’t face corporate income taxes and 0% State taxes.
Start an American Samoan LLC Today!
There are basic rules rules needed to form an LLC in American Samoa. Pursuing the American dream and open an LLC in the United States of America is simple and easy.
Whether the business is Europe or Asia it is time to start LLC in American Samoa, the Official Government online portal will make the process simple. Using the online portal allows business owners and entities to streamline their American Samoa LLC formation process and save valuable time and money.
Media Contact
Company Name: American Samoa LLC
Contact Person: Staff
Email: Send Email
City: Pago Pago
State: American Samoa
Country: United States