Telegram Directory is a unique concept developed by a 65-year-old from Hong Kong. The directory, as suggested by its name, is a place where anyone can enter his Telegram channel link, it aims to create a community that helps businesses advertise themselves and become easily accessible for everyone.
The Directory has a multi-language feature, and users can put tags to reach their target audience for effective marketing, unlike directly on Telegram, where users are not allowed to do any of these. With Telegram Directory, a business can overcome Telegram’s low-yielding search feature by sending their channel links directly to the platform.
Telegram is a very powerful messaging application with tonnes of features that favor businesses and serve as a useful tool for them to reach potential customers.
“Because on Telegram does not provide Tag for search and also No Dual Languages tags over Telegram, we create Dual Languages Tag and Modify unlimited that was New concept for Telegram channel Owner to Gain Different country market on seasonality marketing and here is Free for submit and search without signup”, says Davy Woo from Telegram Directory.
“This is because Telegram does not record user behavior and it never sells user data. Marketing is very important in the growth of any business. It helps the business owner to communicate easily with potential customers. It allows brands to drive traffic to their market and this means more sales. It is the best platform for content marketing where necessary information is being passed across. No interruptions from ads. The ruling no record of user behavior neither is user personal data collected”, continues Davy.
On Telegram Directory, for channel owners, there is a free submit link that is unlimited. One can update tags and descriptions anytime, anywhere and for the users, there is a free browser and search business partner without registration. Telegram Directory is adding more language to its platform to enable more non-English speaking traffic. It aims at including all languages on Earth on its platform to make it the most inclusive.
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Media Contact
Company Name: Telegram Directory
Contact Person: Davy Woo
Email: Send Email
Country: HongKong