The Arkansas Martin Luther King, Jr. Commission Honors Fayetteville Artist and Commissioner Derek Scott for Black History Month

The Arkansas Martin Luther King, Jr. Commission Honors Fayetteville Artist and Commissioner Derek Scott for Black History Month
Commission Salutes Scott’s Commitment to Dr. King’s Dream and Legacy

The Arkansas Martin Luther King, Jr. Commission is honoring Fayetteville resident and artist Derek Scott during Black History Month for his commitment to Dr. King’s dream and legacy. Scott, who serves as a Commissioner for the Commission, is a gifted visual artist whose paintings capture the spirit and strength of the Civil Rights movement.

“Dr. King’s vision for a more just and equitable society can only be realized through our daily interactions and efforts to build bridges across communities,” says Commissioner Derek Scott. “We all have a role to play in advancing the cause of civil rights and social justice, and every action we take, no matter how small, can bring us one step closer to realizing Dr. King’s dream.” says DuShun Scarbrough, Executive Director of the AMLKC.

As a Commissioner for the Arkansas Martin Luther King, Jr. Commission in Arkansas’ third congressional district, Derek Scott has served at several events hosted by the Commission in his district and in the capitol city. His expertise, spirit of service, and positive outlook have been valuable to the Commission’s mission to maintain the positive and critical impact of Dr. King’s effort and sacrifice by ensuring his dream remains relevant for future generations.

In a Black History Month spotlight question and answer session, Scott shares his thoughts on leaving a legacy, the importance of following Dr. King’s teachings, and connecting the younger generation to history. He also talks about the most important advice he has ever received, the person he admires in African American history, and what he would ask Dr. King if given the opportunity.

The Arkansas Martin Luther King, Jr. Commission salutes Derek Scott for his commitment to Dr. King’s dream and legacy, and for his contribution to the Commission’s mission. As an artist, Commissioner Scott has painted an oil portrait of Dr. King that will inspire those who enter the Commission offices to reflect on Dr. King and his legacy. The Commission encourages everyone to follow Scott’s example and make every interaction with each other an opportunity to bring Dr. King’s dream one step closer to being achieved.

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