Everybody loves a good read. Regardless if you are into articles, comics, thrillers, romance, or simple news feed reads, everybody appreciates the selfish time they spend immersed into whatever they are reading. What is the purpose behind this? The best guess would be that for the time one spends going through somebody else’s story, life, or adventure, they are able to fulfill their own need to get away and be part of something else, something completely new, which does not need any additional effort on their side, apart from the occasional flipping of a page.
Expanding on the need for a good story, it is quite clear why technology has taken advantage of this when considering the gaming industry. Every game has its own story, or rather a lore, which attempts to kidnap the player (the digital equivalent of a reader) and make him become part of the platform’s campaign. Considering the classic games that we have been subject to, such as Diablo, World of Warcraft, Dungeon Siege, etc. they all have a great storyline, which keeps the player’s interest. This is a big issue with the majority of newly developed blockchain games – they lack this very element, which enables long-term player engagement.
Digging into the web3 idea, and the tokenization of the World Wide Web to the point where we all become part of the metaverse, blockchain gaming is the initial step. Players perform easy actions (clicks) and ear value for that (tokens). They become a part of a boring online world, which, truly, enables them to earn some money while playing, but is it satisfying? I’d say not. A distinctive platform, which aims to continue the classical gaming lore system, and implement it into the technology-driven web3 world is PathofSurvival.io.
The game has a clear storyline, which will be developed as the game progresses, but it all starts in the future year of 2337 when a grand cataclysm occurs, and everyone is left to survive by any means possible. PathofSurvival.io’s creators claim that the game will be developed for gamers first, not for the “clickers”, who spend 8 hours per day pressing a button. Want to learn more about the story behind this new platform? Check out PathofSurvival.io’s Telegram and Twitter and become part of the new meta.
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