The Lost Gardens: A Must-Read Comic Book Series for Fans of Sci-Fi and Dystopian Fiction

The ensemble team of writer James Babineau, artist Caius Schereiner, and colorist Michael Woods have magnificently and ingeniously created a comic book series that is something to marvel upon.

Rabbit Hole Studios has done justice to this series. Showing how fear as an emotion takes the personification of a supernatural entity that addresses itself as Fear. The conviction of the studio is nothing but impressive. They deliberately made the story complex to make the reader indulge in going deep, opening a paradox that will make sense as the story follows, and everything will be unveiled.

Unlike the usually skilled and intelligent protagonists, Shawn Myers is a regular guy. He accidentally gets revealed to the dark abyss. The world, which he falsely assumed to be technological nirvana, was nothing but crumbling buildings, rumbles and dust on the road, collapsed bridges, and angry mob protesting.

The story is set in a world where an Etheon Company introduces a false luxury implant. When Shawn Myer’s implant turns out defective, his life becomes a living hell. The sudden turn of events is too hard to handle for the protagonist.

To find the answers, the protagonist sets on a journey and finds a long-lost society forgotten by Etheon. 

Opening doors to new adventures, leading him to seek a relic from an ancient text. What will happen? Will Shawn be able to take down the odds, or will the entity take over him and use Shawn for its evil plans?

The series want the readers to question their standing in society and how technology has made us rely on it more and more—renounced to how it is building fear in our minds. Driving us power-hungry and turning us into a vessel enslaved by technology.

The star writer James Babineau of The Lost Gardens series was asked in an interview: What type of world have you and artist Caius Schereiner built here?

James Babineau: Set in a world where anything is possible if you have the credit for it. A world of infinite technological possibility, driven by an insatiable desire to have more and create more. Operated by the Etheon Corporation, Hub City is the first setting we are introduced to in The Lost Gardens. The people who live here live under the control of this corporation and experience their lives through an augmented reality that hides the truth. The truth is that this supposedly perfect techno-utopia is not so perfect after all. Outside Hub City, there is something more fantastical, something real. That’s all I want to say about that without giving away too many secrets.

All in all, the story is action-packed with socio-technological conspiracies. Giving the reader the experience of a lifetime and a relatable character to connect with. Hopes are massive for this project, as it has all the ingredients to be the next breakout comic book.

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Company Name: Rabbit Hole Studio
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