The Original Beach Cart XL is the fastest and most reliable way to take all the stuff required for the beach in one go. It is an amazing and lightweight beach cart that can be pushed, pulled or towed with a golf cart. Moreover, it has an umbrella mounted on the top of it so it eliminates the need for screwing, digging or pounding to have an umbrella on the beach. The project is now seeking community support on Indiegogo and it is the best way to carry gear to the beach.
There are several features of The Original Beach Cart XL with each of these features bringing great benefits. The cart has highly functional wheels that can smoothly roll over soft or wet sand without any friction. Moreover, its storage bay can easily store all the stuff a family can require on a beach trip. This can include anything from food to toys or towels or even surfing boards.
The Indiegogo Campaign is located on the web at: and it offers several pledges with great rewards. Backers can support this project with pledges from $100 to $299 and they can get the Beach Cart XL with Umbrella as the reward. Moreover, they can get the Beach Cart XL with a 35% lifetime discount.
About Beach Cart XL
Beach Cart XL is an amazing invention based on the necessities of thousands of families around the world who love going to beach. Carrying stuff from a car to the beach is a pretty hectic job and people have to walk several times to and fro to get this job done. However, this amazing solution will take all the stuff a family needs to take to the beach in only one trip with only one hand. The project is now seeking generous support on Indiegogo and everyone is welcome to back it.
Media Contact
Company Name: JoomGO
Contact Person: Michael Mayleben
Phone: 5133771530
Address:48 Newgate Pl.
City: Liberty Township
State: Ohio
Country: United States