“Philly D-Lite” is an upcoming film inspired by the real-life stories of a Drag Queen and transgender individuals who are victims of violence and abuse, for just being who they are. The film, directed by Joey Medina follows the story of the lead character Benjamin, who is a drag queen struggling from depression. Through a compelling storyline set in the ’80s to early ’90s, having a gritty and dark vibe similar to movies like “Joker” and “No Country for Old men”, the movie Philly D-Lite will introduce the audience with the dark side of being a transgender drag queen. It’s a short film that deals with a sensitive subject and invokes the thoughts and empathy of the viewers.
“On more than one occasion as I was writing the script, I teared up for our lead character Benjamin. I wanted to reach onto the page and hug him. That is what I want for the viewer to feel. This film will tug on your heartstrings and put your empathy to the test,” says Joey medina, director, writer, and producer of the film. Joey has won many awards for writing, producing and directing in many film festivals. Over the 25 years of his career in the movie industry, he has worked for many projects including short films, scripted television, music videos and more. Steven Rimlinger, the Producer, Cinematographer, Editor of the film is a two time Emmy award-winning producer and cinematographer. Steven and Joey have worked on many projects together, and Philly D-Lite is one of their most ambitious projects so far.
Philly D-Lite is first introduced on the crowdfunding platform Indiegogo and seeks funding of $15000 to cover the cost of production and distribution of the film. The funds will be used to pay the cast and crew, locations, wardrobe, permits, insurance, artwork, music fees and post-production, film festival fees and other miscellaneous expenses. If the fundraiser receives a great response, the extra funding received will be used to send the film to more film festivals, hire more cast and crew members as well as improve the whole production quality of the film.
The backers can receive various rewards like name in credits, IMDB credits, digital and hard copies of the script among others.
Support and view more information about the film on their Indiegogo campaign page.
Media Contact
Company Name: Joey Medina Productions
Contact Person: Joey Medina
Email: Send Email
Country: United States
Website: www.indiegogo.com/projects/philly-d-lite#/