Legendary Academy Award nominee actor Burt Young (Sylvester Stallone’s “Rocky”, wins Best Supporting Actor for his powerful appearance in Timothy Hines’ new comedy feature film, “Tomorrow’s Today” at the Marina Del Rey Film Festival.
“Tomorrow’s Today” is a “hilarious” crime comedy about two lovable grifters who rob a liquor store to pay a gambling debt to a frightening mobster only to find out the liquor store they rob is owned by the mobster. Burt Young plays Luca, the Astoria neighborhood sage, whose advice sends grifter Charlie played by Greg Kritikos, on a quest to help his friend Tommy G out of trouble.
Tomorrow’s Today Official Movie Trailer Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/embed/mFkJMqvxFMg
Young first gathered notice playing tough thugs in such films as “The Gang That Couldn’t Shoot Straight”, Across 110th Street, “Chinatown” and “The Gambler”. Fiery director Sam Peckinpah cast Young as the getaway driver / assassin Mac in “The Killer Elite”, and Young came to the attention of then newcomer Sylvester Stallone, who cast him as future brother-in-law ‘Paulie’ in the 1976 Academy Award winning classic “Rocky”.
The talented Young was nominated for an Oscar, and has gone on to reprise the role in all five “Rocky” sequels to date. Peckinpah re-hired him to play renegade trucker Pigpen in “Convoy” (1978) in which the director homaged Young by having his character’s truck door read “Paulie Hauling”.
Young has also appeared in numerous other major productions, including “Once Upon a Time in America” (1984), “The Pope of Greenwich Village” (1984), “Last Exit to Brooklyn” (1989) and “Mickey Blue Eyes” (1999) starring Hugh Grant.
Timothy Hines’ “Tomorrow’s Today,” starring Joanne Scorcia and Dave Morrissey Jr., is the story of how sometimes the little guy wins as a hopeless grifter trying to reform his ways who collides with a loser named Tommy G who thinks he’s a dead ringer for Tom Hardy. They rob a liquor store to pay a gambling debt to a mob boss, only to find out the store is owned by the mobster. The more they try to fix it, the more it unravels as an innocent widow and her son are dragged into the mob boss’ focus.
In”Tomorrow’s Today” Young plays a wise old sage who, in another generation, was friends with the hopeless grifter’s father and helps him understand the nature of friendship and responsibility to our fellow humans.
Above: Movie diector Timothy Hines, on set of “Tomorrow’s Today” with Academy Award nominee Burt Young who plays Luca, comic Greg Kritikos, and executive producer, actor Dominick Martini.
Last summer marked a milestone for the Marina del Rey Film Festival as it celebrated its 10th anniversary at the Cinemark 18 and XD at The Promenade at Howard Hughes Center in Los Angeles California. The festival screened hundreds of films Friday, July 16, through Thursday, July 22 with an Award Cerimony Dinner at the finale.
“Tomorrow’s Today” is directed, edited and photographed by Timothy Hines (“10 Days in a Madhouse”, “War of the Worlds the True Story”) with special performances by Kelly Le Brock and Academy Award nominee Burt Young.
Above: “Tomorrow’s Today” director TImothy Hines on set with brilliant stand up comic and actress Janice Messitte who delivers a great cameo in the movie.
TIMOTHY HINES is a visionary film director, writer, editor and cinematographer best known for bringing world attention to journalist Nellie Bly with his adaptation of Nellie Bly’s autobiographical book 10 Days In A Madhouse (2015) starring Caroline Barry and Christopher Lambert (“Highlander”, “Mortal Kombat”, “Greystoke Legend of Tarzan”) with superstar Kelly Le Brock (“Lady In Red”, “Weird Science”), which trended in Variety’s Top Trending movies during its Cannes premiere and was selected by movie star Geena Davis to be the opening night film for the inaugural Bentonville Film Festival Celebrating Women and Diversity. Hines, who also wrote the screenplay, hand-chose movie star Christopher Lambert to play Dr. Dent, the supervising doctor running the Asylum for Women on Blackwell’s Island in which Nellie Bly was committed. 10 Days In A Madhouse is distributed worldwide by Tricoast Worldwide, Broad Green and Universal Home Video.
L to R: Tomorrow’s Today director Timothy Hines, producer Susan Gofofrth and star Joanne Scorcia at the Marina Del Rey Film Festival where Burt young won for Best Supporting Actor.
Hines, along with his creative partner producer/actress Susan Goforth, are also world famous for War of the Worlds The True Story (2013); the world’s most beloved movie version of H. G. Wells’ seminal alien invasion novel, in which Bertie Wells, the last living survivor, testifies to the horrors and despair he endured during the Earth / Mars War of 1900. War of the Worlds the True Story competed in the Academy Awards for Best Picture, Best Score and Best Special Effects, and can been viewed Worldwide at.
In addition to recently directing, photographing, editing and supplying additional scenes and scenarios to the screenplay of “Tomorrow’s Today” (2021), Timothy Hines is enjoying the success of his Pilot action thriller episode “Death Wish” of “Chrome The Series” (2020) out now on Amazon Prime. “Chrome The Series” is a hyper-action thriller about a runaway slave pleasurebot robot who stumbles into the heart of the robot underground only to discover the fate of all sentient robots depends on her. Chrome is a fast roller coaster ride of fun with deeply emotional subtext.
“Tomorrow’s Today” premiered at the International Day of Comedy Film Festival in Los Angeles April 5th and has been garnering awards and accolades at festivals across the world. “Tomorrow’s Today” is the winner of the Los Angeles Cinematography Award for Best Editor, Winner Best Producer and Winner Best Song, the Winner of Best Song and Best Producer at the New York Cinematography Awards (NYCA), Best Ensemble and Official Selection at the New York Best Actor Award Festival, Finalist and Official Selection in the 4th Dimension Independent Film Festival, Semi-Finalist in the Asian Cinematography AWARDS (ACA), and Official Selection in the iDoc Film Festival, 4th Dimension Independent Film Festival, Spring Grove/Caledonia Film Festival, New York Flash Film Festival, Lit Laughs International Comedy Film Festival, and the Marina del Rey Film Festival®.
The script by Greg Kritikos and writer Frederick Stroppel has unique twists and heart. Test audiences listed the themes of the movie as, ‘Change, diversity, addiction, enabling, loyalty, grief, character, interracial relationships, adultery, divorce, marriage, church, avoidance, guilt, survival, good vs evil, and identity’.
Director Timothy Hines says, “This film was a total labor of love. I’m so happy its getting the response it is. I am very proud of this movie.”
“It’s The Godfather, Shrek, Sopranos, and Pulp Fiction in one,” smiles producer Susan Goforth, “It was pure joy to work with Mr. Young and this talented group of New York actors and comedians.”
The movie cast is led by stand-up comic Greg Kritikos and stand-up comic/actress Joanne Scorcia who was the last comic to headline at The Comedy Store in Los Angeles before it had to shutter its doors due to COVID-19. The cast includes Dave Morrissey Jr., Annunziato Carbone, Nicky Sunshine, Teddy Smith, Colin Buckingham, George N. Mikedis and Greg Kritikos.
Original supermodel Kelly Le Brock has returned to the big screen with an emotionally stirring heartfelt special appearance in Timothy Hines’ new film, “Tomorrow’s Today”.
Kelly Le Brock, whom the phrase “Supermodel” was coined for, was born in New York and raised in London. She is the daughter of a French-Canadian father and an Irish mother. Kelly Le Brock began her career as a model beginning at the age of sixteen. She has appeared on hundreds of covers and magazines including with Christian Dior. She became one of Eileen Ford’s most sought-after models. Her motion picture debut was in the Oscar-winning comedy movie “The Woman in Red” (1984) opposite Gene Wilder. She has appeared in many films including the iconic comedy “Weird Science” (1985) with Robert Downey Jr., “Hard to Kill” (1990), “Wrongfully Accused” (1998) and “The Sorcerer’s Apprentice” (2001).
Ms. Le Brock was formerly married to actor Steven Seagal, with whom she has three children, Annaliza, Dominic and Arissa. She rarely returns to the screen and when she does it is a choice selection of role. Ms. Le Brock is a human rights activist who spends much of her time on her ranch in Southern California. She is an amazing woman/actress/model/mother, beloved by the world.
Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/embed/L6VxhN6aXrs
The movie is produced by Dominick Martini, who also plays the evil mob boss, Big Angie and Susan Goforth who wrote the title song of the film with Christina Aguilera and Britney Spears songwriter Sandy Chila, featuring NBC Songland’s Maedi.
Reviewers said; “Hines deftly balances the perfect marriage of crime and humor, Tomorrow’s Today is a well-executed film with great dialogue, captivating scenes and good laughs to boot”, G.W., Indie FIlm Critics.
“This award-winning feature offers an entertaining experience that is not without its moving moments and the plot and characters are enough to gain the viewer’s attention and approval”, Jason Knight, UK Film Review
“Well worth your time… A couple of fantastic cameos… Kelly LeBrock and Burt Young”, Bradley Gibson, Filmthreat.
“At its core, Tomorrow’s Today is a film about family, loss and love and how people can come together even in the worst of circumstances to make the world a better place.” IMDB Reviewer – rehan_abbasi93
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