Above: Original Supermodel and superstar Kelly Le Brock plays Donna, Charlie’s ex-wife, in an emotional special appearance in Timothy Hines’ “Tomorrow’s Today”.
“Tomorrow’s Today,” Timothy Hines’ comedy feature film about a hopeless grifter trying to reform his ways has been selected to play at the Spring Grove-Caledonia Film Festival with guests Daniel Baldwin and Ed Asner July 23-25.
The Spring Grove-Caledonia Film Festival, featuring 42 movies, two plays, a parade and an award ceremony, welcomes this year’s special guest of honor Daniel Baldwin, last year’s guest of honor Ed Asner and (via Zoom) Alec Baldwin – along with several other filmmakers who will be participating in live talk-backs after their films’ screenings.
“Everything happens for a reason,” producer Susan Goforth says with joviality, “and we are all so pleased because ‘Tomorrow’s Today’ addresses grief, recovery, self-empowerment and identity with humor, laughter and tears, and I think we all need that right now, and that our comedy fits so well with Daniel’s documentary and the themes of the Spring Grove-Caledonia Festival, we are all very excited to be included.”
Above: “Tomorrow’s Today” is a comedic recovery story about Charlie Boy, a hopeless grifter trying to reform his ways, who collides with a loser named Tommy G who thinks he’s a dead ringer for Tom Hardy. They rob a liquor store to pay a gambling debt to a mob boss, only to find out the store is owned by the mobster! Pictured here Charlie Boy (Greg Kritikos) grieves with his dear friend and sage, Luca played by Academy Award nominee Burt Young, in “Tomorrow’s Today”.
Among the many events taking place during the festival weekend is a prayer service scheduled for Sunday, July 25 at 10 a.m. at St. Patrick Catholic Church in Waukon. Daniel Baldwin will be the special guest speaker for that event.
Above: Dr. Robi Ludwig, nationally known psychotherapist, award-winning reporter, and a regular on Nightline, CNN, Headline News and The Fox News Channel – where she talks about psychological/lifestyle issues – will be a special guest star announcer at the festival. She will be doing a live feed via Zoom for her online program, “Talking Live.”
To purchase tickets for the film festival and see a full schedule of events, go to sacrednoisesociety.org
Above: Sacred Noise Society, Inc., founded by Katie O’Regan of Waukon, has announced plans for the Spring Grove-Caledonia Film Festival scheduled for July 23-25, including an event in the Waukon area.
Katie O’Regan, a long-time actress, dancer, producer and director, founded and hosted the Spring Grove International Film Festival in Spring Grove, MN last year, she based the event on an idea that had come to her in a dream. She reached out on social media to friends in the industry and told them about her plan.
“I know we’re supposed to do this,” she said. Brian Connors – an actor and director from New York City now living and working in Los Angeles – saw the post. “I love what you’re doing with this,” he wrote in a message. “I have an independent film – do you want to see it?”
Above: Emmy winner, SAG winner and Golden Globe winner Ed Asner. Ed Asner came to Spring Grove as the inaugural film festival’s guest of honor last year. Asner is returning to this year’s film festival, to perform in a staged readers’ theatre presentation of “Good Morning, Miss America.”
Above: Daniel Baldwin, guest of honor, is an actor, director and producer. He is the second oldest of the four Baldwin brothers, all of whom are actors. Baldwin played the role of Detective Beau Felton in the NBC TV series Homicide: Life on the Street and has also starred in Ned Blessing: The True Story of My Life (1992), Mulholland Falls (1996), Vampires (1998), The Pandora Project (1998), Stealing Candy (2002), Paparazzi (2004) and Grey Gardens (2009). Above Pictures courtesy Spring Grove-Caledonia Film Festival.
Daniel Baldwin’s documentary, “My Promise to PJ” will be shown at 2 p.m. Friday, July 23 at the Spring Grove Cinema and a live talk-back with Daniel Baldwin. Via large-screen zoom, legendary movie star Alec Baldwin, will follow.
Above: Shakes (Dave Morrissey Jr.), Tommy G. (Annunziato Carbone) and Charlie Boy (Greg Kritikos) on the streets of Astoria, Queens, New York in Timothy Hines’ “Tomorrow’s Today,” to be screened at the Spring Grove-Caledonia Film Festival.
“Tomorrow’s Today is doing very well in the festival circuit and with all the test audiences. We are continuing to pick up awards and acknowledgment and I’m not surprised. So many worked so hard on this film. And Timothy believed in the project from the beginning,” says executive producer Dominick Martini.
Above: Star Joanne Scorcia as tough single-mom Ariana and Domenico Del Giacco as Mikey in a scene from Timothy Hines’ comedy feature film Tomorrow’s Today.
The film Tomorrow’s Today stars Joanne Scorcia, Adam Gabel, Dave Morrissey Jr., George N. Mikedis, Nicky Sunshine, Dominick Martini, Domenico Del Giacco, Colin Buckingham, Annunziato Carbone, Greg Kritikos, Teddy Smith, Heather Cole with Academy Award nominee Burt Young and supermodel icon Kelly LeBrock, executive produced by Dominick Martini and produced by Susan Goforth with stand up comic Greg Kritikos. Written by Frederick Stroppel with additional scenes and scenarios by Timothy Hines, Joanne Scorcia and Teddy Smith. Tomorrow’s Today is photographed, edited and directed by Timothy Hines.
Iconic movie star Alec Baldwin will join the Spring Grove-Caledonia Film Festival via large-screen zoom.
Above: Executive producer Dominick Martini and movie star Burt Young filming Timothy Hines’ “Tomorrow’s Today”.
Above: The movie Tomorrow’s Today, which premiered in Los Angeles has been garnering awards and accolades at festivals across the world. To date the comedy feature movie “Tomorrow’s Today” is the winner of the Los Angeles Cinematography for Best Editor, Winner Best Producer and Winner Best Song, the Winner of Best Song at the New York Cinematography Awards, Finalist in the 4th Dimension Independent Film Festival, Semi-Finalist in the Asian Cinematography AWARDS (ACA), and Official Selection in the iDoc Film Festival, 4th Dimension Independent Film Festival, Spring Grove Caledonia Film Festival, New York Flash Film Festival, Lit Laughs International Comedy Film Festival, and Marina del Rey Film Festival®.
Above: In “Tomorrow’s Today,” Kelly Le Brock delivers a deeply touching performance in a delicate role. The phrase “Supermodel” was coined for Ms. Le Brock and she starred in the classic comedies, “Weird Science” and “Woman in Red” opposite Gene Wilder. She was married to and has three children with Steven Seagal. She rarely returns to the screen and when she does it is a choice selection of role. Ms. Le Brock is a human rights activist who spends much of her time on her ranch in Southern California. She is an amazing woman/actress/model/mother, beloved by the world.
Above: Director Timothy Hines photographing “Tomorrow’s Today”
Tomorrow’s Today director, photographer and editor Timothy Hines is an visionary film director, writer, editor and cinematographer best known for bringing world attention to journalist Nellie Bly with his adaptation of Nellie Bly’s autobiographical book 10 Days In A Madhouse (2015) starring Caroline Barry and Christopher Lambert (Highlander, Mortal Kombat, Greystoke Legend of Tarzan) with superstar Kelly Le Brock (Lady In Red, Weird Science), which trended in Variety’s Top Trending movies during its Cannes premiere and was selected by movie star Geena Davis to be the opening night film for the inaugural Bentonville Film Festival Celebrating Women and Diversity. Hines, who also wrote the screenplay with the benediction of Nellie Bly expert NYU professor and journalist Brooke Kroeger, hand-chose movie star Christopher Lambert to play Dr. Dent, the supervising doctor running the Asylum for Women on Blackwell’s Island in which Nellie Bly was committed. 10 Days In A Madhouse is distributed worldwide by Tricoast Worldwide, Broad Green and Universal Home Video.
Hines, along with his creative partner producer/actress Susan Goforth, are also world famous for War of the Worlds The True Story (2013); the world’s most beloved movie version of H. G. Wells’ seminal alien invasion novel, in which Bertie Wells, the last living survivor, testifies to the horrors and despair he endured during the Earth / Mars War of 1900. War of the Worlds the True Story competed in the Academy Awards for Best Picture, Best Score and Best Special Effects, and can been viewed Worldwide at https://vimeo.com/ondemand/waroftheworldstrue/ .
In addition to recently directing, photographing, editing and supplying additional scenes and scenarios to the screenplay of Tomorrow’s Today (2021), Timothy Hines is enjoying the success of his Pilot action thriller episode “Death Wish” of Chrome: The Series (2020) out now on Amazon Prime. Chrome is hyper-action thriller about a runaway slave pleasurebot robot who stumbles into the heart of the robot underground only to discover the fate of all sentient robots depends on her. Chrome is a fast roller coaster ride of fun with deeply emotional subtext.
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Above: The music video directed by Timothy Hines for “Tomorrow’s Today”, the movie theme song of the same name. Susan Goforth wrote “Tomorrow’s Today” in collaboration with Britney Spears and Christina Aguilera songwriter Sandy Chila. The song features vocals by NBC Songland’s Maedi.
Tomorrow’s Today Official Music Video, movie theme song from “Tomorrow’s Today”. Publisher Warner Chappell. Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/embed/7tz5Q5qc1Zs
Above: Maedi performing tracks for “Tomorrow’s Today” written by Susan Goforth and Sandy Chila.
Above: Lyricist Topliner musician, producer, actress Susan Goforth (10 Days In A Madhouse, War of the Worlds The True Story, Chrome The Series) brought together songwriter to the stars Sandy Chila (Britney Spears’ “Glory”, Christina Aguilera’s “Liberation”, Earl St. Clair’s “Feeling Alive”) and rising songstress Maedi (NBCSongland, Justin Caruso’s “Good Parts’) to perfect the movie’s theme song about empowerment and identity, known as the feel-good pop song “Tomorrow’s Today”. The song has already won Best Song awards at both the New York Cinematography Awards and the Los Angeles Cinematography Awards and will compete in next year’s Academy Awards and Grammys for Best Song for Visual Media.
Above: “Tomorrow’s Today” official trailer – Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/embed/kP59WVBcGWU
In addition to the many films being screened at the Spring Grove-Caledonia Film Festival, a staged readers’ theatre presentation of “Cross Your Heart,” a play by L.A. artist Brian Connors, will feature a mix of local and broader industry talent. O’Regan and local Wennes Communications owner Greg Wennes will join Connor, Ed Asner’s daughter, Liza, and Daniel Baldwin for that performance Friday, July 24 at 7 p.m. in the Caledonia Municipal Auditorium.
The Film Festival Parade is Saturday, July 24 at 2 p.m. in Caledonia, where Daniel Baldwin will serve as Grand Marshal. Closing awards and ceremony are set for Sunday, July 25 at 3:30 p.m. at the Caledonia Municipal Auditorium.
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Company Name: Pendragon Pictures
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