Telegram has become hugely popular both for communication and for receiving information. Trading signal providers started using this platform as well. There are thousands of channels providing signals, but not all of them are reliable. Traders Union analysts have compiled a rating of the Top 7 Best Signal Providers in Telegram.
The specifics of trading signals in Telegram
Trading signals on Telegram are provided as a text market analysis. As a rule, they are accompanied by an image showing the current situation and some specific indicators (if we are talking about the signals based on the technical analysis). Signals in Telegram can be paid or free. Providers mostly choose a model of a private channel with a monthly subscription fee or registration using a referral link. A trader can use the signals on Telegram and make independent decisions on whether to enter a position based on the signal or not.
How to choose a trading signal provider in Telegram?
It is important to choose a trading signal provider in Telegram right, as reliability and profitability depends on it. When selecting a signal provider, take into consideration the following:
– Signal quality. It is important to check the percentage of successful signals offered by the provider.
– User reviews. It is best to analyze the reviews on independent platforms and gather as many opinions as possible.
– Money back guarantee. This is relevant for the channels with paid subscription. It is important to also review the conditions of return of money, for example the period during which you can demand money back.
– Trial period. Providers can provide a trial period, which may include a certain number of signals or a short-term access to a private channel.
Before starting to work with a provider, you need to analyze all conditions and make sure that the signals do work. Keep in mind that no provider can provide a 100% guarantee of profitability and that there are risks of losing funds. Therefore, it is recommended that you test the signals before starting to work with any provider.
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