UK New Spain – The United Kingdom Of New Spain / Reino Unido De Nueva Espana

The kingdom of New Spain is an important house of King Ludwig Falkenstein Hasburgo Sobieski Stewart Tudor De La Lega. The kingdom of New Spain is a nation of 1 acre and an enclave nation, 100 miles by 50 miles in Sahara. There are also some islands in Oceania Archipelago, Guedes Island, Pescadores Island, Oroa Island.

New Spain does not include Mexico because Mexico is an independent nation. We let Mexico be the vice royalty of New Spain of King Philip VI the house of vice royalty of New Spain Mexico. And we keep in the north. However Mexico is an independent nation independent and so we don’t go in the international politics of Mexico. We only keep diplomacy with México.

There is registration in the GOV IUKAC Empire. In our territory, we have our flag and UK New Spain has a postal mail. We share the same passport with New Spain citizens. We have a little enclave in Spain but we don’t always depend on Spain. In 2020 we will create a version of Grand Dollar of Grand Kingdom of New Spain. It will be on the streets as soon as we work it out.

To apply for the citizenship of New Spain, you can submit your documents to approve naturalization. Applications can take as much as 6 months. Some nations application can be approved faster. These nations are Puerto Rico, México, USA, Canada, Spain, Morocco, Mauritania, South Africa, UK, Nigeria, New Guinea, and Colombia. Other nations will need to submit their applications and wait for 6 months to get approved.

We offer noble title patent. Lord, Senor, Conde, Count, Visconti, Viscount, Marquis, Duke and Prince. It depends on its availability. The kingdom of New Spain has a life and individual ID of Spain. We are UK New Spain.

Media Contact
Contact Person: King Ludwig Falkenstein
Email: Send Email
Phone: 240.455.3170
Country: United Kingdom