In the enchanting world of young adult fiction, a new mystery awaits as author Ben Cable introduces readers to “Sophie,” a gripping tale set against the backdrop of Mystic and Stonington, Connecticut. With real locations and landmarks like the Mystic Bridge, Mystic Seaport, Mystic Pizza, and Stonington High School, “Sophie” takes readers on a thrilling journey through a town hiding more secrets than it reveals.
Ben Cable, a native of Connecticut, has returned to his roots to craft a tale that combines his love for mystique and the familiar landscapes of Mystic and Stonington. As a preteen and teenager, he was a regular visitor to the Mystic Library, where he immersed himself in mysteries. Now, as an actor and author living in California, he has brought his passion for storytelling full circle with “Sophie.”
Unbeknownst to most, the picturesque town of Mystic conceals a multitude of dark secrets, waiting for a curious soul like Sophie to uncover. The 17-year-old protagonist, daughter of a detective, returns to Mystic after a long absence, driven by an insistent urge to unravel the mystery surrounding her mother’s death. Little does she know that the seemingly tranquil town holds a labyrinth of enigmas and dangers.
As Sophie navigates the quaint streets and makes new friends, she stumbles upon long-buried secrets that shed light on the town’s criminal underbelly. The question looms: will Sophie succeed in unearthing the truth about her mother’s death, or will the malevolent forces that lurk in the shadows triumph?
With vivid descriptions and a keen sense of atmosphere, Ben Cable transports readers to the very heart of Mystic and Stonington, where every corner holds a clue and every character conceals a secret. “Sophie” is a thrilling page-turner that will keep readers of all ages on the edge of their seats.
“Sophie” is now available on Amazon:
About Ben Cable
Ben Cable is a talented actor and author with roots in Connecticut and a passion for storytelling. He spent his formative years engrossed in mystery novels at the Mystic Library and has since ventured into the world of writing, captivating young readers with his imaginative tales. Ben currently resides in Los Angeles, where he enjoys container gardening with his faithful companion, ‘Oreo,’ a black and white dog.
Discover the secrets of Mystic and Stonington through the eyes of Sophie in this riveting young adult mystery. Join Sophie, Author Ben Cable, as he unravels a web of intrigue and suspense that will leave one spellbound.
Media Contact
Company Name: Ben Cable
Contact Person: Ben Cable
Email: Send Email
Phone: (323) 405-7222
Country: United States