Use a CPAP machine to overcome sleep apnea

Most of make fun of people who snore. You will have their spouses joke about the same in public gatherings and the culprit may be a genial bloke trying to cover it up with a guffaw. But did you know snoring may be just the tip of the iceberg and the person snoring may be suffering from obstructive sleep apnea? Doctors estimate that 2 out of every five people suffer from sleep apnea and although it is likely to hit overweight people post the age of 40, there are likely to be exceptions. In fact, even some children may display symptoms of sleep apnea like falling asleep in fits and starts often.

If you are suffering from sleep apnea that causes you to feel fatigued throughout the day, it is best to seek medical help and get a proper diagnosis. Sleep apnea if left untreated can cause accidents and injuries. Thus, medical intervention is highly recommended, as soon as you begin to display symptoms. If you have a mild form of sleep apnea, chances are there are lifestyle changes that you will be asked to make. This can include things like sleeping on a particular side or lose weight if you are carrying around a few extra pounds.

Sometimes, doctors may even recommend a custom-made oral appliance to be used during bedtime to help with a mild form of sleep apnea. For more severe cases, where sleep apnea is at a stage where it can be life threatening, if left unattended, doctors recommend the CPAP treatment. CPAP stands for Continuos Positive Airway Pressure. If you have been recommended CPAP, you have little to be nervous about as it is considered the “gold standard” for the treatment of obstructive sleep apnea, the disease that probably has made your life miserable for quite some time now.

Parts of a CPAP machine

The essential function of a CPAP machine is to blow a stream of air into your nasal airway, thus removing any blockages. The CPAP machine is nothing but a small box that houses a motorised fan. Do not worry about it being a big whirring fan, as the fan is so designed to draw air from the room, pressurising it and delivering it to your specific needs.

The CPAP machine also houses a humidification chamber. In this section, water is warmed to humidify the pressurised air. This moist and warm air soothes your nasal passage and prevents any discomfort or swelling. 

The CPAP machine connects to the mask with a lightweight tube. The hose is long enough to give you full comfort of movement during your sleep. However, do bear in mind that CPAP hosing wears out fast and must be replaced periodically.

The last and most important part of a CPAP machine, is the CPAP mask. The success of the CPAP therapy lies on the fitting of the mask. With the advancement in technology there are a wide variety of masks that come in various shapes and sizes to suit the wide variety of facial landscapes. While there is no denying that using a CPAP, mask takes some time or getting used to, you can truly benefit from it, if you have been diagnosed with obstructive sleep apnea.

How to choose an appropriate CPAP machine and mask

To be able to purchase a CPAP machine, you need to be diagnosed with sleep apnea and recommended the use of a CPAP machine for therapy. CPAP machines do not come cheap, so you will have to check whether your insurance can cover the cost. If you purchase it from verified and licensed online retailers of medical equipment such as, you can be assured that you are you have the choice to take your pick from the best available CPAP machines available today.

We can also help you choose the right machine or mask, according to your diagnosis and level of comfort. We understand that even with the many advancements in technology, using a CPAP machine for the first time can be awkward and clumsy, and even if the equipment is the very best by way of manufacturing, it may not be the best fit with your particular needs.

We therefore give you a trial period on a maximum of three machines and masks, free of cost (subject upon the return of the previous one in perfect condition) before you comfortable enough to use it every day. We at not only source medical equipment, our brand name draws from the fact that we genuinely care for our customers.

We recommend easing into the mask, before you begin use throughout the night. Try it on before bed for 10 or 15 minutes initially and gradually start increasing the time. This will help you get used to regular usage of a CPAP machine over due course of time. In spite of your best efforts if you are unable to sleep, we can help you with a different style of mask to help you overcome your sleep apnea.

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