Varajkilya’s 1st Peace and Humanity Conference A Success – Amor, Goonewardena and Rinpoche Collaborating for “EDUCATION FOR HER” Scholarship Program in Nepal

“Jeff Goonewardena, Princess Maria Amor, Rinpoche Phurba Dorjee, Richard Nilsson, Rajesh Hamal & Masaki Michael”

The fruitful 1st Peace and Humanity Conference held last 16th of February, 2019 at the Radisson, Kathmandu, organized by Varajkilya Productions, Pvt. Ltd.  featured international dignitaries and celebrities namely Princess Maria Amor-founder & president of We Care for Humanity (WCH), Hon. Jeff Goonewardena, Head of Sri Lanka’s Tourism Board and Director of Airport Aviation, Mr. Richard Nilsson – founder & president of Adventure of Humanity, Masaki Michael – the Michael Jackson of Japan, Nepal’s legendary actor Rajesh Hamal, Doma Shema – 1st Female Journalist to climb Mt. Everest, Himalayan Tiger – 1st Nepalese Wrestler and Saugat Bista – Youngest Film Director by Guinness World Record.

Venerable Rinpoche Phurba Dorjee, the CEO of Varajkilya Productions and founder & president of Mahakaruna Foundations stated “We brought this event to open up doors and bring multi-collaborations between east and west, to serve humanity and prevail peace on earth. I am grateful to the guests of honor who traveled across the world to be here and show support to our cause. I am equally thankful to We Care for Humanity and Princess Maria, GITM and Mr. Jeff Goonewardena for including my school, the Tirupati English Boarding School as a recipient of the EDUCATION FOR HER Scholarship Program.”

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Followed by the announcement of Amor about EDUCATION FOR HER at the conference, Goonewardena confirmed that he will support the Scholarship Program by giving airfares to the students from Nepal to India, where the Global Institute of Technology & Management (GITM), the host college is located. Jeff, who is also the former Consul General of Sri Lanka to Los Angeles is a recipient Global Order of Dignitaries & Philanthropists (G.O.D.) Awards as Sri Lanka’s Humanitarian Ambassador held at the United Nations in 2015. Since then, he has been working side by side with Amor on numerous humanitarian projects inside Sri Lanka and other countries.

“I applaud the noble cause of WCH and GlTM in providing free Higher Education to underprivileged Women and Girls of SAARC countries and I want to do my part by making sure these girls will reach their destination and get their education, so the expense on the flights are on me!” exclaimed Goonewardena. “I am also very happy that I was invited in this Peace and Humanity Conference and had the chance to meet Ven. Rinpoche Phurba Dorjee. Seeing his humanitarian works, I am motivated to bring more aid in the future via Princess Maria and We Care for Humanity,” pledged by Jeff.

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EDUCATION FOR HER Scholarship Program for Marginalized Women and Girls of SAARC Countries is an Education program created by Amor in collaboration with Advocate Ravinder Tokas, chairman of GITM. “We cannot foster peace if humanity is hungry for food and most especially hungry for knowledge. “The best weapon to combat poverty, hunger, violence and inequality is education.”, Princess Maria, in her own words.

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