Wiant is making Swiss brain food accessible to customers and employees

Wiant’s collections of Large Office Boxes, Small Brain Boxes, and personalized Impact Bottles with logos are a hit. Their snacks provide essential nutrients, vitamins, and trace elements that benefit performance and brain activity due to their primarily organic content.

Wiant’s collections of Large Office Boxes, Small Brain Boxes, and personalized Impact Bottles with logos are a hit. Their snacks provide essential nutrients, vitamins, and trace elements that benefit performance and brain activity due to their primarily organic content. 

As a commitment to sustainability, Wiant only sources products from local Swiss companies contributing to the Swiss industry’s support while minimizing its ecological footprint. In addition, the company is committed to creating individualized packages tailored to specific customer needs—from unusual designs or minimalist styles on the packaging to customizing it with logos or unique patterns. 

Brain food has been proven repeatedly to sharpen focus and concentration and energize the body for increased productivity throughout the day. Wiant’s snacks are crafted explicitly with this in mind; getting rid of unhealthy snacks at work can increase alertness, improve physical well-being, and better mental health among employees. 

Wiant offers the following :

  • Vegane Snacks
  • Snacks für Firmen
  • Snacks fürs Büro
  • Snacks für Mitarbeiter
  • Brainfood für Mitarbeiter
  • Mitarbeitergeschenke
  • Home Office Geschenke
  • Snacks fürs Home Office
  • Brainfood für Unternehmen
  • Kundengeschenke
  • gesunde Snacks
  • Weihnachtsgeschenke für Kunden
  • Weihnachtsgeschenke für Mitarbeitende
  • Geburtstagsgeschenke für Mitarbeiter
  • Zwischenverpflegung für Mitarbeiter
  • Zwischenverpflegung für Unternehmen
  • Subscription Box
  • Unternehmensverpflegung
  • Verpflegung für Mitarbeiter
  • Dankeschön für Mitarbeiter
  • Geschenke für Kunden
  • Geschenke für Mitarbeiter
  • Geschenke New-Joiners
  • Schweizer Zwischenverpflegung
  • Büro Verpflegung
  • Firmen Verpflegung
  • Verpflegung Unternehmen
  • Verpflegung Mitarbeiter
  • Dankeschön an Mitarbeiter
  • Personalisierte Kundengeschenke
  • Personalisierte Mitarbeitergeschenke
  • Geschenkbox für Mitarbeiter
  • Geschenkbox für Kunden
  • Giveaways
  • Geschenke für Firmenevents
  • Verpflegung Firmen
  • Dienstjubiläumsgeschenke

Wiant was founded by two entrepreneurs passionate about healthy eating who wanted to make high-quality brain food more accessible for employees looking for healthier snack options at work. They recognized how busy life could be, so they sought ways to make nutritious snacking easier for their desk and colleagues’ desks without breaking the bank. 

With Wiant’s range of office boxes explicitly tailored for large offices or small teams, any workplace can enjoy healthy snack options without worrying about finding alternatives on busy days or spending money on individual items. Plus, Wiant offers personalization packs with Impact Bottles featuring company logos or special designs, which create a unique touch that reflects each team’s personality.  

Final Thought

Wiant is making strides towards helping people prioritize healthier eating habits and promoting local businesses in Switzerland, all while offering unique customization options for its customers. With its expansive selection of high-quality ingredients sourced from local farmers, Wiant seeks out innovative ways of snacking sustainably while helping people snack smarter throughout the day so everyone can stay focused and productive at work!

For more information visit https://www.wiant.ch.

Media Contact
Company Name: Wiant
Email: Send Email
City: Steinhausen
Country: Switzerland
Website: https://www.wiant.ch