Web Only Distribution
(APNews, Benzinga, TheGlobeandMail, Barchart, Google News, TV & Radio Broadcasting, 400+ News Sites and Social Media) |
Single Premium PR Distribution
(APNews, Benzinga, TheGlobeandMail, Barchart, TV & Radio Station Sites and 350+ Downstream News Sites) |
20 Premium PR Distribution
(TV & Radio Station Sites and 350+ Downstream News Sites) Add-on: APNews, Benzinga, TheGlobeandMail, Barchart |
50 Premium PR Distribution
(TV & Radio Station Sites and 350+ Downstream News Sites) Add-on: APNews, Benzinga, TheGlobeandMail, Barchart |
One Month Subscription for Distributing Multiple* PRs
(350+ Downstream News Sites) Add-on: APNews, Benzinga, TheGlobeandMail, Barchart and TV & Radio Broadcasting Station News Sites |
Quarterly Subscription for Distributing Multiple* PRs
(350+ Downstream News Sites) Add-on: APNews, Benzinga, TheGlobeandMail, Barchart and TV & Radio Broadcasting Station News Sites |
Yearly Subscription for Distributing Multiple* PRs
(350+ Downstream News Sites) Add-on: APNews, Benzinga, TheGlobeandMail, Barchart and TV & Radio Broadcasting Station News Sites |
Press Release Writing Services
Get your press release written for an unbeatable festival offer of just $30!
Press release writing services from ABNewswire is preferred for its powerful presentation and format which finds ready acceptance among top news distribution resources, both offline and online
Volume discount on bulk buying
10% off for 5+ PRs
15% off for 10+ PRs
20% off for 20+ PRs
The One Stop Dependable Press Release Distribution Service That Offers You the Best of Web and Targeted Media Distribution
Your Press Release will be published on high traffic ABNewswire.com. It will forever be live on this site with links to your website/blog.
Almost all online activities begin with a search engine. We ensure your Press Release is submitted to all the major search engines like Google, Yahoo, Bing/MSN, etc. We are committed to pushing your news towards top billing on the leading search engines.
We use the best media database in the Industry with more than 800,000 media contacts and influencers across all possible industry targets and topics.
Our public relations and communications experts handpick the media outlets and media contacts in those outlets to send your press releases out to. This ensures that we reach the right people who are willing to read and hopefully cover the story rather than mindlessly sending out bulk emails to millions of media contacts
Our public relations and communications experts don’t work with generic pre-existing media contacts lists. We create a unique media list for each press release we distribute based on the topic, industry target, geographical area, target audience, and other factors to ensure that journalists read and pay attention to each press release we send to them.
We use multiple delivery formats such as emailing, RSS Feeds, FTP Feeds, and direct posting to reach out to specific journalists and media outlets through their preferred mode of receiving news tips and press releases.
You can select from 400+ industry categories and sub categories and pick from smaller geographical locations such as Local (City), Statewide, Regional, National, or Global distribution depending on the type of your message and target audience for better coverage and visibility.
Once we distribute your Press Release we will let you know the number of outlets we sent the release to.
You get free access to create and use a dedicated newsroom to showcase your company profile, product information, media kit and media contact. You can also display all your past news releases at one place for easy access to journalists and other people interested in knowing more about your company.
National news websites draw large segments of people every day looking for national and business news. Here are just a few of some of the 1000+ national news websites where we will send your Press Releases. Your news will be read by your niche audience interested in the events and developments in your industry.
Most traditional media outlets, like TV and radio channels, now have vibrant news websites that present their content online. If you want the attention you deserve, your Press Release must circulate among these outlets. We make sure your news gets featured on top TV and radio news sites that report all the happenings in your industry.
Trade and industry media traditionally have been significant parts of the areas they represent. Today, the online versions of these media outlets are vital platforms for businesses in their respective niches. We put your news on top of domestic industry news sites to create greater exposure for your Press Releases.
In any media mix, the role of local media in reaching out to local niches can’t be overlooked. They help you reach those specific segments of your market that national and global media are unable to. There are many such untapped potential resources, including regional news sites, which you can leverage to expand your base and improve your reach.
Companies with a global presence want to reach out to the overseas markets and consumers in the most cost-effective manner possible. Access to international media platforms can help businesses share information with a global audience. We can put your news on International news sites to help you reach your audience across the farthest corners of the world.
Your Press Release will be distributed to the online blogging community and webmasters that publish news stories on their blogs and websites. We guarantee full page publication by at least 100+ online blogs/websites.
We understand that internet audiences these days throng popular social media websites. This is why we walk that extra mile to ensure that your news stories are shared across 15 most popular social media channels, like Twitter, Facebook, StumbleUpon, Delicious, Tumblr, and more. We ensure that your Press Releases are tweeted on 150+ news-related Twitter accounts with a combined base of 350,000+ Twitter followers and shared on 150+ Facebook pages with a combined like base of 50,000+ Facebook users.
This is a convenient way of getting regularly updated summaries of web content, including headlines that link to full versions of that content. When you subscribe to a feed using a feed reader, you'll be able to quickly see summaries of new information at one place. Subscribing to RSS feeds allow you to aggregate updates from multiple websites without having to visit each one of them individually.
Our expert editors will review each Press Release for content, news worthiness, category selection, SEO value, language, and other parameters, and offer suggestions for improvement to ensure better acceptance rate by media outlets and more visibility on search engines and news sites.
We will include relevant keywords/tags to all Press Releases to enhance online visibility and to facilitate better indexing and ranks by search engines.
You can attach relevant pictures and images to your Press Release.
You can include a YouTube video in your Press Release.
If you include the link to your website/homepage in your Press Release, we will display the website in Iframe on the Press release page on ABNewswire.com.
You can include up to five links to your websites/blog/homepage in your Press Release.
We will send you email updates about all steps/progress of your Press Release publication.
We will send a detailed report with # of links on Google, Proof of publication on online media outlets, views, etc. within 72 hours of publishing your Press Release. Please click here to see a sample report.
We have a ticket based customer support system where we commit to timely response and resolution of all your questions and concerns.
Featured on
Search Engine
Most Comprehensive List
of Media Contacts
No Spam PR Distribution
Unique Media List For
Each Press Release
Multi Modal
Delivery Formats
Wide Range of
Targeting Options
Proof of Distribution
Free Dedicated Newsroom
Distribution to National
News Sites
Distribution to Radio &
TV News Channel News
Distributution to Trade &
Industry News Sites
Distribute to
Distribute to
International News Sites
Blog Outreach
Social Media Sharing
RSS Feed Submission
Editorial Review
SEO Value
Pictures and Images
Iframe Website Display
Links To Your
Regular Updates
Detailed Reporting
Customer Support